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Collections (3)

Thumbnail Title Description
Buenos Aires Neighborhood Guide
Buenos Aires En esta coleccion se encuentran fotos de fachadas de edificios de Buenos Aires
Mi Buenos Aires Querida En esta exhibición se incluyen fotos tomadas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires en las que pueden apreciarse lugares y aspectos típicos y distintivos de esta gran ciudad.

Submissions (35)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Buenos Dias Toto Over the past few months I have been at home enjoying each day with my dearest Toto, he means the world to me! This is one of the priceless moments with him that will stay with me for years to come.
YouthMedia Photography, Colour
Buenos Dias Being at the beach reminds me how we are a whole. Individuality seems to be extinguish . Cheers for life!
YouthMedia Photography, Colour
Los bomberos y los niños apagando el fuego El dibujo expresa la preocupación de los niños por la contaminación que provoca los fuegos en las ciudades
danielbb Drawing, Crayon
Los bomberos nos ayudan a eliminar el fuego./Firefighters help us get rid of the fire. En el dibujo expresa como los niños se preocupan por evitar los incendios y contribuyen a eliminarlo./In the drawing expresses how children worry about avoiding fires and helping to eliminate it
danielbb Drawing, Crayon
Todos nós. Com as mãos de diferentes de nós, a pluralidade que nos pertence
Tags: pertencimento, diversidade, nos
VagaLume Painting
Nossa comunidade Retratamos nossa comunidade e nosso jeito de brincar
Tags: comunidade, espaço, brincar, livre, local
VagaLume Drawing, Pencil
El deporte que nos une. En mi comunidad todos las tardes tenemos partidos de fútbol donde todos compartimos, grandes y pequeños, es el deporte que nos une.
Tags: futbol, amigos, deporte
Mmurillo_76 Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Community Video Storytelling Project The Paladinos This video was created as part of the AYV program at Meridian Hill Pictures. This Spring 2015 semester, 3rd grade students from Mundo Verde Bilingual Public Charter School worked with 3 teaching artists from Meridian Hill Pictures and 3 Mundo Verde PCS teachers to learn about documentary film production with iPads to film short stories in their...
ayv Mixed Media
El cambio está en tus manos Creator: Yamila Blanco Yamila's work has to do with pollution and how we are the ones to change the future we're giving to our youth.
Tags: pollution, earth
dagf2312 Photography, Digitally Manipulated
A nose knows - MacKenzie Hill 2012 Canadian Winner - CWF "Get to Know" Contest “A Nose Knows” MacKenzie Hill Age 17 Burlington, ON
JulieGao Painting