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Submissions (142)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Ocean Biodiversity World Oceans Day 2024
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon
My Favourite Ocean Animal I want to protect the oceans from pollution because I love axolotls!
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Why I Protect the Oceans I love ocean creatures and want to protect them from plastic pollution and garbage.
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Technology Can Clean our oceans I created a machine that could clean up all of the plastic pollution in our oceans and help all the fish.
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Love All Ocean Creatures World Oceans Day 2024
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Protect our Oceans World Oceans Day 2024
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Ocean, My Love I love seas and oceans and the way their waters are constantly being polluted, acidified and contaminated causes their gradual deterioration. Will I have an ocean to swim in when I grow up?
silwen Painting, Oil
Ocean Pollution Ocean pollution in climate change
globalgallery Painting, Acrylic
Sea Monster My artwork seemed from a project at a Decarbonize conference, where we were asked to decorate our shirts like enviromental protest signs. My shirt is meant to spread awareness about the pollutants destroying our beautiful oceans. In mythology, monsters are always serpents or krakens, but the real monster is the plastic trash that is...
Tags: #decarbonize, ocean, savetheseas, plasticpollution.
Savetheseas Markers
Ocean No/Yes Kids for Kindness
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon