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Collections (97)

Thumbnail Title Description
$125 Off SiteWide + Free Shipping on mattress and couch of Nolah Sleep store only at reecoupons Reecoupons is the well-known shopping site, shown the online shopping coupons and deals on the products . There are tons of valuable discount offers are available, now they are offering discount on mattresses. click on:
My art: A look to the protection of the beaches... The inspiration this given by the protection of the sands and the student project of Cuba SOS for the LIFE
S.O.S. Collection for life, from the School of Early Childhood Education. Cuba. The Model: The seabed ... is an expression of the protection of the oceans
From Residential Schools to Reconciliation: A Celebration of Art & Writing As part of Alberta’s Project of Heart, students from across the province are invited to share their writings and artwork that depict their understanding of the people of Alberta’s journey towards reconciliation. The celebration is open to grades 1 to 12. Participants may submit works of art, poetry, film, video or writings in this celebration....
Agents of Awesome A presentation discussing Autism Spectrum Disorder: what it is and one example of associated sensory behaviours and behaviour modifications, the increasing prevalence around the world and the impact of inequities due to the social determinants of health.
Growing investment opportunities for medical professionals The medical fraternity in India has never had a single window opportunity to invest smartly in real estate. Considering the round the clock professional commitments they keep, they rarely get the time to look at real estate as a critical component of their service offering - that can help take their services to new residential & business...
Moments of Inclusion A call for artistic expressions from youth: Reflect on a personal experience of inclusion. Where did it take place? Who was with you? Why was this an important part your own life journey? How did the experience influence your identity? As part of this reflection, you are invited to create and share a form of visual art as part of an...
Agents of Change in a Global World Images posted in this collection were prepared by students at York University Faculty of health taking part in the Agents of Change in a Global World course.
M.S. 172 Circus of Dreams Final Project
Stars of Annie Ms 172
The Art of Recycling Italy
The story of monkey and crocodile by gpjdelhi-afsanak
GIN of the Americas 2012 Film Festival Explore this amazing collection of videos submitted from schools across the Americas for the 2012 Global Issues Network Conference at Graded School in October 2012!
School: post a picture of where you go to school
Education is the successful door of the life!
Inwood GPJ Drawings of Bronx Library Center
Some of my own creations This is my very first creations of pictures.
Some of my creations This is my very first creations of pictures.
Different Kinds of waste
A Community of Kindness
Local Products: Post photos of products from Poland
Wings of Change Wings of Change will encourage young people to find their political voices and provide them with the opportunity to be part of a larger movement. The project combines principles of pageantry, theatre and collective artistic expression to deliver messages directly from young people to the halls of political power. Wings of Change is a project...
Heritage of the Libyan People's Set of images that show some scenes from the life of old and traditional costumes of our ancestors in the past
DeforestACTION in the Heart of Borneo (Photos by EW Paul Daley)
Scenes of Disasters
Causes of Deforestation
shopping and preparation of the dish
Bayside have "Plant lift-off"!!
Unit 3: Roof Gardens in London
Unit 3: Roof Garden Plans
Unit 3: Roof Garden Plans
Unit 3: Roof Garden Plans
Total Eradication of Poverty in Africa World help africans, we needs your help in total eradication of poverty in africa.
Power of Education Successful Education is the implemented Education! The only time to realize the power behind Education is when you put it into practice. How then can Law student realize his potential as a great lawyer when he sits around and does nothing about it? How best can a writer enjoy the work of writing when he is too scared to make a step? The point is...
Nepal : Pride of being nepali There is a lot to say about my country nepal
Moment of Love Moment of Love
Rainforests of British Colombia, Canada
People of my country! The activities and variations of different people.
Children of Bangladesh! The photos were taken in Bangladesh. Focusing the disadvantageous Bangladeshi children.
The Art of Partying My take on several Christmas parties of different agencies and organizations as well as Barangays all over Catbalogan City during December 2009. the story behind the merriment... Location: around Catbalogan City, Samar, Philippines
DO GOOD For the demolition of poverty In the existing of our life, I think we must do something good. Don't hesitate to DO GOOD, This world is full of plights people …
Pictures of LIMA, Peru
Visions of Peace
Recognizing the Resistance of Indigenous Peoples Throughout history the indigenous peoples of the world have continually resisted threats to their cultures and existence. From the first contact with outside cultures to modern day struggles, indigenous resistance continues all over the world from Mexico to Australia. In this Global Gallery contest we ask TIG members to share stories, modern...
5 Years of TakingITGlobal: I AM TakingITGlobal Has TIG become a part of your day to day life? Have we become ‘inseparable’ after 5 years? The purpose of this photo contest is simple. We want you to take TIG with you. Take TIG with you on the highway, on the subway, mountain climbing, to the beach, to the top of the Eiffel tower, anywhere! Just print the specially-made contest sign “I AM...
Russia Through the Eyes of Youth Do you remember instances when spoken words failed to capture the complexity of your feelings and experiences? Sometimes silent images can say more than words through the profound and versatile language of art. The new art contest, Russia Through the Eyes of Youth, is a great opportunity to show many young people around the world how you, as...
Images of Intolerance "Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in...
The Power of Media Imagine a billboard at the busiest intersection in the biggest city in the world. Every day, millions of people walk by and see it. This billboard has the power to communicate, connect, open minds, change opinions, and plant seeds for positive action. This billboard is a form of media: the means through which most of our opinions and...
The Value of Water On June 5, the world was celebrating World Environment Day. The theme for this year is "Water -- 2 billion people are dying for it." As a community that is aware, participates in discussions and strives to take action on global issues, TakingITGlobal ran June 2003's Global Gallery contest focussing on water. The title of the...
Interpretations of Wellness and Illness For the month of May, our focus was on Health Promotion. We asked our members to ask themselves questions like: What do you think of when you think of a healthy lifestyle? What are the health-related issues and epidemics people face in your community? What are steps we can take to begin living healthier lives? Then we asked them to share their...
Promoting a Culture of Peace Inspired by the terrorist attacks of September 11th, "Promoting A Culture of Peace" was the second contest opportunity for TakingITGlobal members. This project received poetry, digital, and visual art submissions from various countries around the world including Australia, Canada, India, Sierra Leone, Spain and the United States....
60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights December 10th, 2008 will mark the 60th anniversary of the UDHR. In celebration of this historic event CASHRA in partnership with TakingITGlobal (TIG) JHC are conducting an online awareness campaign to spread the word on human rights issues among youth in Canada and across the globe. CASHRA and TIG are asking young people to convey their thoughts...
A Stroke of Art This artwork has been created by children who are students of A Stroke of Art (Inspirational Studios program). They range in ages between 6 - 14 yrs. and have learned various techniques of drawing and painting. To learn more visit It's amazing the ability children have if only given the opportunity and the tools....
HIV/AIDS - Images of Hope Often the images evoked by the HIV/AIDS epidemic are negative ones: children left without parents, sufferers facing stigma and superstition, and whole generations disappearing. These images are not the whole story. There are people living with the consequences of HIV/AIDS who continue to thrive, and find hope. In recognition of these people,...
LVVL NCCT Downtown - Causes of Violence
LVVL Etobicoke - Causes of Violence
LVVL North York - Causes of Violence
LVVL Scarborough - Causes of Violence
Images of the Global Workforce As the global economy has grown and changed, so has the global workforce: Indian telecommunications operators answer phone calls from North America and Europe, while Mexican farm labourers travel as far North as Canada to work the harvest season. The next Global Gallery collection will focus on capturing images of this global workforce, which...
Creativity Workshop @ A Stroke of Art Artworks from Creativity Workshop at A Stroke of Art
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Voice of Tranquility Creativity
Art of Pakistan This is a W-11 train in Australia, Pakistanis Artists tried there best to make it as it looks like Buses in Pakistan. It represent Pakistani Art in Austrlia. Australians really like it & appreciate there Art work. They are Proud to be Pakistani Artists.
Art of the world.
Paintings of nabakishore Nabakishore Chanda's paintings seem to emanate form the earth itself despite the intricacy of lines that seem to dominate them.The prstine quality of the faces that emerge from the lines startle us with their freshness which reminds us of vernal showers at times.On the other hand ,a sense of mystry seems to tease us out of thought as we...
Snapshot of my world
Fashion Concepts of the Internet Era Although, the internet is new, some fashion ideas generate from the early internet roots.
A Gurung mother from the central hills of Nepal The old lady, wearing her ethnic jewellry, is anxiously peering at the valley below longing for the safe arrival of her son, who is a Gurkhas in the British Army.She lives a frugal life, prays to the Himalayan Gods and lives a simple life. Her very existence depends on the money brought by her precious son.
Artistic Creations Of Bernd Wachtmeister Colors, forms, figures - Fine art graphics and visual communication: "I am one of those people who devote a great deal of time to analysing themselves in the context of their surroundings. Many of my feelings, impressions and thoughts find expression in my artistic work. They come to light, so to speak, through form and color."
Hazrat Dovud-the holy place in the mountains of Uzbekistan The exhibit is a collection of pictures of a holy place in uzbekistan called Hazrat Dovud, people visit it as piligrims or just enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature.
Selling of my art pieces My exhibit is selling.I would like to some of my pieces.The current and the older ones.If possible then ask me for the price of each item.I am making new procts espacially animals.
Images of A Better Community For All (ABC4All) What would make your personal community better for all? Answer to this question always comes from the person asked. ABC4All shares info. You decide!
Memories of a Rejected Mind "Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew."
The tiny little pieces of the world These are just the pieces of the world surrounding me. Caught by accident, they are often the only remnants of what my eyes got to see...
The beauty of freedom They are easily, freely, beautiful. I look at them again and again...and every time they impress me of gracefulness
blue shoos of mum as long as i remember mum never forgot her blue shoos, now mum is long gone , and last night i have been dreaming about them
...the beauty of Great ife !
WOODEN SCULPTURE OF BOTH ROUND AND RELIEFS FROM UGANDA The exhibition is about the promotion of my art.Since my government do not take much concern about promotion of youth talents therefore most of youth here in Uganda do not take part in creativities.Young people possisbly children are found in streets moving around because they believe their government is not gonna suport them.Another thing is...
THE FUTURE FACE OF AFRICA Looking at these young faces, you could at least see one or two visions of Africa’s future registered in their young face. Innocent as they are, we know that if natured well, their dreams will be fulfilled. This exhibition is inspired by the fact that we were all young and innocent as they are. But over time, things have really changed for us...
My world of ...
The Art of Doodle's Just some drawings that you make on your spare time but still come out great.
Gwari people of Abuja Nigeria The head is sacred,so loads are placed on the back, just behind the neck.
Pains of truth 20-year old pounded yam can be oven-fresh
Postcards of Hope: Youth Collection Postcards from Katrina shares Katrina-inspired artwork from youth who have expressed hope for the Gulf coast region of the U.S. PfK encourages youth to express what Katrina means to them in their own way. To learn more about the project visit Also if you wish to share your work of hope, please send to...
Temples of Yjog Jakarta YjogJakarta is the palce in Java Island of Indonesia. It houses the world famous Borubodur temples, temples built for Buddha. Presented here are some of the snaps of the temple. It is said that these temple is the largest in Asia. The architecture here is resembling the architecture that is found in India and other parts which has the...
Images of Decay Decay, Memorial, and glances beyond
blue shoos of mum
blue shoos of mum

Submissions (1897)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Crying out in the midst of pesticides The book seeks to portray the impacts of pesticides on the environment and human health. People are perplexed to learn that European countries produce and sell agrochemicals to developing countries like Brazil.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
The tree of all people The tree of all peoples refers to the condition of having the same historical root, where we must respect other cultures and customs, respecting the diversity of each people, without wars. The play seeks to show how fragile we are, but we must have a deep respect for life and the environment that surrounds us. The roots seek to establish our...
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
Tears of the Earth People have caused so much damage to our planet that the Earth has every reason to cry.
silwen Collage
Two Faces of the Earth Global warming may soon turn our planet into a lifeless desert. Let's not let it happen!
silwen Mixed Media
the heros of kenya Because of global warming the rains that we as Kenyans thought we were going to experience came late. As we thought they were going to come in July they recently began in November. And with el-nino happening this year Kenya has began preparing for the floods. My inspiration came from what I believe are the true hero’s of Kenya. Our Red Cross...
globalgallery Painting, Acrylic
Destruction in the Eyes of the Beholder: A Cry for our Fragile Home The artwork depicts the vivid imagery and symbolism of the destructive impact of global warming on Earth. Conveying the interconnectedness between our actions, environmental degradation and the urgent need for change. The eyes doesn't seem white, due to the pollution that is now in sight in the sky. Yet, what we see can represent our collective...
globalgallery Markers
Get Rid of Trash Kids for Kindness
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Perspective of the world It shows how your perspective shapes the world, no matter how it actually is.
globalgallery Mixed Media
Recreating the Beauty of Earth I am Zian Biswas, an 11 year old from India, and this creation I made depicts the true beauty of our world and how our Industry & Innovation is Destroying the Sustainable Communities. The main Moral I want to Express through this illustration is that we should bring back the Natural Beauty of Earth by planting trees, decrease Poaching, and...
Zian_Biswas Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Receive the gift of Literacy I feel that the future of our world rests on children thus it becomes extremely important to educate each and every child and gift him/her the most precious gift of education.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil