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Collections (1)

Thumbnail Title Description
Canadian Aboriginal Logo Contest Creating Local Connections Canada is having a logo contest! TakingITGlobal is looking for a new logo for the Aboriginal Canada portal so we are looking for images that best represent Canada’s diverse Aboriginal - First Nations, Métis, and Inuit - peoples. Contest winners will receive prizes such as webcams as well as other great prizes! To...

Submissions (6)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Aboriginal Art - Merten Falls - Kimberley, Western Australia These Aboriginal rock paintings, located at Merten Falls on the Mitchell Plateau of the Kimberley Region in Western Australia, are up to 15,000 years old.
jmotbey Photography, Colour
Aboriginal Art - Merten Falls - Kimberley, Western Australia These Aboriginal rock paintings, located at Merten Falls on the Mitchell Plateau of the Kimberley Region in Western Australia, are up to 15,000 years old.
jmotbey Photography, Colour
Divine Mercy Original School Crest During my gr. 8 year at Divine Mercy Catholic Elementary, I designed the school crest for the new school in Maple, on. They took my image and digitally altered it for further use. The other photo is the remake of my sketch.
Luisa13 Drawing, Pencil
JReilly Designs Original Abstract Purse Collection
salesgirljenni Painting
The Aboriginal Origin of Maple Sap This is an artwork by Kefan from Macklin P.S.
Drawing, Pencil
Aboriginal This painting is inspired by the mural paintings created by contemporary aboriginal artists in Australia.
jenergy Painting, Acrylic