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Collections (2)

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Parkside working on food cart

Submissions (8)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Castle Friedrichsfelde Castle Friedrichsfelde, Etching/Watercolor, 9,4x12,6 inch, 2004, 140 Euro.
Tags: castles, representative buildings, parks, castle friedrichsfelde, realisme, germany, urban architecture, etching/watercolor
heiste Painting, Watercolour
Köpenick Castle Köpenick Castle, Etching/Watercolor, 9,4x12,6 inch, 2004, 140 Euro.
Tags: castles, representative buildings, parks, köpenick castle, realisme, germany, urban architecture, etching/watercolor
heiste Painting, Watercolour
Greenwich Promenade of Tegel Greenwich Promenade of Tegel, Etching/Watercolor, 9,4x12,6 inch, 1988, 140 Euro.
Tags: parks, sea scapes, trees, realisme, germany, urban architecture, etching/watercolor
heiste Painting, Watercolour
Little River Tegel Little River Tegel, Etching/Watercolor, 9,4x12,6 inch, 1988, 140 Euro.
Tags: parks, rivers, trees, tegel, berlin, little river tegel, realisme, germany, landscape, etching/watercolor
heiste Painting, Watercolour
Parkside Will Help There Community.This Is A Start.
LawrenceBruce Photography, Colour
Parkside Gardens on the rise
LawrenceBruce Photography, Colour
Parkside Gardens Need Help
LawrenceBruce Photography, Colour
Parks, Forests, and Fields Small stream, in the Schunnemunk Mountain State Park, New York.
PepitoBarahona Photography, Colour