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Submissions (7)

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Save Our Planet Earth this artwork I tried to show how I want our future of our earth to be like. The earth is our life force & very much essential for our survival. Taking action to protect our planet earth is our responsibility. For a better future we need to take care of it. All of us should work together to make sure we have a beautiful future for our nature...
ZainaAlam Painting, Acrylic
Save the Planet Earth We are making our world in a big factory, Need to understand what originally we belongs, We belongs safe, clean and peaceful world
cdcindia Drawing, Crayon
Pollution: Planet Earth of Today Planet Earth of Today
jfherrera2 Drawing, Pencil
Teaching kids about our planet Earth Teaching kids about the problems facing our planet dur Science Day in French Guiana
Tags: amazon, french guiana, teaching
whereisfabrice Photography, Colour
Bla Bla Bla... Act Now! Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla is the word that always comes from politician. We need to act now.
Tags: denmark, european journey, international youth climate movement, save the earth, planet earth
yangkiimade Photography, Colour