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Submissions (79)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Reduce Carbonmonoxide Plant a tree to replace the wood we use
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Reduce the use of water Reducir el caudal del agua para regar nuestras plantas
Tags: water
CarlosChiu Painting, Watercolour
Nalanda's Reduce, Recycle & Recover I have used internet as a source of inspiration to build my ideas for the art work.
Tags: climate change
clannapurna Mixed Media
Nalanda's Reduce, Recycle & Recover My artwork reflects the world around me and the subjects that move and inspire me.
Tags: earth, industrialism
clannapurna Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Nalanda's Reduce, Recycle & Recover I like to explore it through the subject as I experience, perceive and analyze it.
Tags: earth, pollution, air, carbon dioxide
clannapurna Mixed Media
Nalanda's Reduce, Recycle & Recover I work both visually and intellectually.
Tags: industrialism, pollution, air pollution, emissions
clannapurna Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Nalanda's Reduce, Recycle & Recover My artwork reflects the world around me and the subjects that move and inspire me.
Tags: pollution, air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, industrialism
clannapurna Mixed Media
Nalanda's Reduce, Recycle & Recover I like to explore it through the subject as I experience, perceive and analyze it.
Tags: earth
clannapurna Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Nalanda's Reduce, Recycle & Recover This global warming artwork represent a synthesis of my experiences and interests in and concerns about the future of our planet.
Tags: tree
clannapurna Mixed Media
Nalanda's Reduce, Recycle & Recover I work both visually and intellectually.
Tags: trees
clannapurna Drawing, Pencil-crayon