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Submissions (3)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Marina, Sailer`s Club House at the Wannsee 2 Boat Marinas, Boats, Sea Scapes, , Marina, Sailer`s Club House at the Wannsee 2, Views of Berlin and its surroundings (col) , Realisme, Germany, Urban Architecture, Oil on Canvas
Tags: boat marinas, boats, sea scapes, marina, realisme, germany, urban architecture, oil on canvas
heiste Painting, Oil
Greenwich Promenade of Tegel Greenwich Promenade of Tegel, Etching/Watercolor, 9,4x12,6 inch, 1988, 140 Euro.
Tags: parks, sea scapes, trees, realisme, germany, urban architecture, etching/watercolor
heiste Painting, Watercolour
PU 01 Coven PU 01 Coven, Oil on Painting Board, 11,8x15,7 inch, 2000, 460 Euro.
Tags: animals, water, sea scapes, people, pu 01 coven, surrealisme, germany, people and animals, oil on painting board
heiste Painting, Oil