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Submissions (8)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Emancipated Expression The serene expressions of an emancipated figure.
Tags: serenity, figurative, dry pastel, comtemporary
tladi Drawing, Chalk
Ode to serenity Ode to serenity : (water colour on paper, 21" x 29") The archetypal womanhood as conceiver and giver of life is presented in its completeness. The peace completeness and tranquility inherent in the creativity and nurturing quality of womanhood pervades the mood of the painting.
Tags: water colour, paintings
nabakishore Painting
serenity Being calm, peaceful and a bit relaxed about the numerous problems of life has a lot of benefit to our health and wellbeing. lets try and relax a little.
osamuyi-2 Drawing, Pencil
thlee Photography, Colour
Serenity First attempt at nature paintings!
4m Painting, Acrylic
Serenity This piece was created few years ago and owned by my husband. This is the third and last piece of my Aegyptian series. (The full series available to see on my website)
wallofart Painting, Acrylic
Serenity's Dreaming. Something I saw in something I made, turned into something of wonder.<br /> <br /> Thoughts?
Predattack 3D Graphics