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Collections (3)

Thumbnail Title Description Cabbage Tree Solutions offering to convert your speech, voice, mp3 or any other audio format into text format. So, visit at our website and upload a voice file today to convert into a text version!
Virtual Reality Interactive Application Development & Solutions Some of the completed project of Virtual Reality Interactive Application Development & Solutions by YantramStudio.

Submissions (102)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Solutions and Impacts of Climate Change We should all work together to save our planet.
JanaAshley Markers
Isolated but Integrated Hi I am Daniela. For my photo, it shows a lonely park, but is it really lonely? Its full of creativity, activities, and details. Ever since quarantine, everything has been abandoned and alone; we all used to be together, hanging out and having fun. So this picture depicts the thought of being alone but reunited at the same time. This stood out...
Tags: quarantine, creativity, isolation, selfquarantine
day_nel Photography, Digitally Manipulated
El girasol cubano La creación representa el girasol en un ambiente sano
danielbb Sculpture
El sol, las nubes y la ciudad/The sun, the clouds and the city El artista reflejó la importancia del sol y las nubes para la vida en las ciudades/The artist reflected the importance of the sun and the clouds for life in the cities
danielbb Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Go Solar! This art was created by a first grader at Bullis Charter School in California, USA.
anushkasrinivasan Drawing, Pencil
Exposition in isolation Sometimes the focus isn’t on the important. Support the proper changes.
Taylorhezz13 Photography, Colour
Right Not to Be Sold or Kidnapped Pauline V. Age 11
Tags: National Child Day Art, Childrens Rights
carolinefair Painting, Watercolour
A LUZ SOB A OCUPAÇÃO Numa área desocupada, a luz do sol e a alegria dos jovens... ocupa
Tags: sol, jovens, ocupação
ElizabethCampos Photography, Colour
SOLIDARIEDADE Confesso que quando eu pensei no meu bairro só pensei em coisa ruim. Mas quando comecei a desenhar me lembrei das coisas boas também, desenhei as praças, as casas, as praias que são bem legais também. Aqui eu ressaltei a solidariedade. O bairro pode ser perigoso, ter muito bandido e tudo mais, mas na hora que alguma pessoa precisa, sempre pode...
CDIBahia Drawing, Pencil
Solar Panels on the roof Jesse also studied how solar panels are good for the environment. The use the sun for energy and save us money on electric bills.
dfox Sculpture