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Collections (2)

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Something in my mind !

Submissions (12)

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If we're going to miss something about nature, it shouldn't be art. Our beaches and seas are in danger. People have been polluting air, water and land. The colours of nature are vanishing. Microplastics are one of the most common types of litter found on beaches. Pollution destroys unique beach habitat needed by animals and plants. It’s time that we said ‘No!’ as our future is in our hands. Which memory would...
globalgallery Photography, Colour
Do Something To Improve As quarantine hits. Staf gets bored and has nothing to do. Sitting in front of tv all day became boring and now Staf must find a way to get out of boredom. Little did he know that boredom led to depression. One day Staf sat on the couch and was just scrolling through channels. It was miserable. So Staf decided to go get some fresh air then...
StafJean Mixed Media
Everybody belongs to something We all belong and for us, we belong to Haiti Ocean Project and we help the dolphins and the whales.
Tags: belong, dolphins, whales
haitiocean Drawing, Pencil-crayon
let me show you something print
Gu3 Print
Twentysomething, still studying... writing paper... about Zizek... please listen: Jamie Cullum-twentysomething After years of expensive education, a car full of books and anticipation, I’m an expert on Shakespeare and that’s a hell of a lot but the world don't need scholars as much as I thought. Maybe I'll go travelling for a year, finding myself or start a...
Ceren Photography, Colour
Something Smells Fishy A Cretan Fish for sale.
catzpaw Photography, Colour
Used to be something
Zarina Photography, Colour
Something familiar The statue of San Martin (an Argentinian hero) in Central Park, NY. The flash feeling of being at home, from miles away.
FlorGS Photography, Digitally Manipulated
something higher Light from something higher than can be recognized by man.
tigcagigi Photography, Colour
Flowers - Somethingations - Sydney, Australia, January 2003 A tightly cropped close-up on a bunch of Impatients. They are so cute :) I can never remember what they are called... flowers like these are referred to as 'Somethingations'...<br /><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /> While walking the dog one afternoon I experimented with the macro zoom functions on my dad's funky camera.
Jarra Photography, Colour