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Collections (1)

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PABLIC ART-SPRINGS ART-FREAK ART. This became extremely interesting. One thing I'll just point out to you is that the protein shells of all the viruses turned out to be all geodesic structured, and all on the icosahedron because the icosahedron gives you the most volume with the least energy quanta to give you the greatest strength. So the virus shells are incredibly strong...

Submissions (72)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Spring in Quarantine I created this piece towards the beginning of the quarantine. It was March or April, so springtime, and like everyone, I felt like I was looking out into the world but couldn't reach it. I thought of the scene in Alice in Wonderland where she's in the room but can' get out through the tiny door. She looks out the keyhole and sees a beautiful...
Tags: COVID, environment, nature, earth, green, art
corasage05 Painting, Acrylic
The Silent spring The image shows a lonely Ibis bird on Okobaba sawmill in Lagos (this is the largest area of sawmill activity in Lagos) illustrates the fact that a great number trees are being fell (causing air pollution), some of which are used as canoes while a vast number of them are abandoned on the Lagos lagoon. Thus, this brings about the introduction of...
FelaBuyi Photography, Colour
Joy Springs Drive Aid Ghana picture of the day: joy springs- i had this kids on camera when i went to visit a group in the Zuo community after we donated an electric soweing machine to thier parents
Tags: drive aid ghana, ghana, children, joy
clementafrica Photography, Colour
У весеннего костра In the spring fire Костёр приносит ощущение тепла и гармонии! Bonfire brings a feeling of warmth and harmony!
Tags: костёр, огонь, тепло, искры, пламя, дерево, гореть, тлеть, угли, fire, heat, sparks, flames, wood, burn, smolder, the coals
baltina Photography, Colour
Весенний сад (30х30) Spring Garden Масло, холст, цветы, тюльпаны, сад, весна, современное искусство, Oil on canvas, flowers, tulips, garden, spring, contemporary ar
Tags: масло, холст, цветы, тюльпаны, сад, весна, oil on canvas, flowers, tulips, garden, spring, contemporary ar
baltina Painting, Oil
Прибалтийская сакура (40х30) Baltic sakura холст/картон/масло
Tags: масло, весна, деревья, вишня, дом, солнце, пейзаж, oil, spring, trees, cherry, home, sun, landscape, contemporary art
baltina Painting, Oil
Spring Flowers from my backyard.
PaigeGillenH2o Photography, Colour
Spring #2 Another flower from my backyard.
PaigeGillenH2o Photography, Black and White
Spring time Using GEX500 digital camera
Tags: eyselpeyt, tiged
heifezi Photography, Colour
Slob Computer Graphics