Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
Муниципальное образовательное учреждение дополнительного образования детей Центр детского творчества «Радуга» Нефтегорского района Самарской области направляет для участия в конкурсе художественных работ «Россия глазами молодежи» следующие работы воспитанников студии изобразительного искусства «Фантазия» (руководитель Дьяконова Светлана...
This art exhibition shows the art work maded in Art Studio workshop from the members. The students which are working in art studio are talented selected group of young people who are folowing the classical art values and our art traditions form like are icons. We are welcome any art lovers here!
My life has been an ascent and descent of attic stairs. Those wooden stairs are ancient, like climbing a step pyramid, so steep, and forget about sneaking in late at night because my parents could here anybody climbing such stairs, even at the peek of their sleep. On your way up these stairs, you'll see drawings that I did when I was 7 or 8 or...
The studio is becoming a prehistoric cave. Anyone who now enters I take their hand and imprint it on the wall with charcoal. It is a spiritual silence as I spread their fingers to get in between. It has become a monastery of writings, words written in the early dawn. The words we don't know why we write them, we just do. We want the spaces to...
Many paintings stacked and behind other paintings, in corners, underneath tables, in windows and under carpets. There are also clothes, brushes and sketch books with thousands of drawings and sketches that I will wish to show. I want to be able to reveal to you the truth of a life and of lives around us. The life of literature, faces and places,...