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Collections (7)

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Stories From Syria Due to the rise of a critically urgent issue concerning refugees in the Arab world, communities needs to come together to address the humanitarian crisis. As a way of showing support and encouraging solidarity we invite you to share your stories from Syria through creative artwork (Images or videos). These visual representations will not...
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Russia: Fantasy Studio, Samara Муниципальное образовательное учреждение дополнительного образования детей Центр детского творчества «Радуга» Нефтегорского района Самарской области направляет для участия в конкурсе художественных работ «Россия глазами молодежи» следующие работы воспитанников студии изобразительного искусства «Фантазия» (руководитель Дьяконова Светлана...
Psychedelic Road Signs As part of my AS Level Exam, I chose to look at road signs. My initial idea was to create signs influenced by the Pop Art Movement of the 1960s - Andy Warhol, Roy Lichenstein style. However I thought that was kinda predictable and not that exciting. So I decided to scout for books in the library and came across a Psychedelic Poster Art book...
West Coast Wimsy Shylene loves to work in a "use what you have" approach. She uses recycled materials found along her path, as well as local driftwood from the beaches of Vancouver Island. Check it out at her site

Submissions (191)

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Daisy James: Remember This In the spring of 2020, Reel Youth facilitated the "Remember This" virtual film program. Participants used film as a tool to reflect on how COVID 19 resulted into social distancing, isolation, and on our changing connections with each other and the land we live on, and create art of this moment.
YouthMedia Mixed Media
Symmetry in Life I found symmetry in life, with balance, structure, gaps in between the straight leaves, soft movement and different tones of green. Who would tell me that this beautiful plant would give my a precious life lesson.
YouthMedia Photography, Colour
Ecosystems uniting Even though the world is made out of different ecosystems, they all unite and create this beautiful planet
Tags: nature, biodiversity
mariajose04 Drawing, Pencil
Are you busy in converting oxygen to carbondioxide? The present world is mainly destroying because of Carbondioxide. We are cutting trees and inversely Carbondioxide is killing us.
Tags: pollution, air, deforestation
khadeza21 Painting, Watercolour
What belonging means for Malagasy Young People 30 young people share their view and ideas about belonging
YouthFirst Photography, Colour
Gr7 Tosorontio - Belonging Syria Video created by students who participated in the 2016 #SCDSB Film Festival
SCDSB Mixed Media
Gr.7 Belonging in Syria TOS Video created by students who participated in the 2016 #SCDSB Film Festival
SCDSB Mixed Media
Gr.7 Tosorontio - Belonging Syria Video created by grade 7 students who participated in the 2016 #SCDSB Film Festival
JMatthews24 Mixed Media
Gr.7 Belonging in Syria TOS video created by grade 7 students who participated in the 2016 #SCDSB Film Festival
JMatthews24 Mixed Media
Sharing Maple Syrup With The World Kindergarten and Grade One students in Moonstone, Ontario Canada collaborated with students from Koahsuing Taiwan to create a video that brings them all together in the spirit of friendship, sharing and belonging together.
Tags: maple syrup, sharing, inclusión, belonging, canada, taiwan
Winnisk Mixed Media