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Collections (136)

Thumbnail Title Description
Christian Missionary Organizations In The Middle East International christian missionary organizations are to help churches send missionaries to establish reproducing churches among the nations to the glory of God. Our International christian missionary organizations include church planting, evangelism, partnership with other organizations, and support ministries. Learn about vocational and clergy...
My art: A look to the protection of the beaches... The inspiration this given by the protection of the sands and the student project of Cuba SOS for the LIFE
The climatic change The inspiration is the preparation reached in the project of my ability SOS for the LIFE
S.O.S…FOR THE LIFE Collection of photos of the seabed of the Cuban beaches, inspired by the protection of the oceans
S.O.S. Collection for life, from the School of Early Childhood Education. Cuba. The Model: The seabed ... is an expression of the protection of the oceans
The S.O.S. for life and climate change protection The collection about art S.O.S. for the life and protection of climate change, it presents the art of students and groups of the faculty of Early Childhood Education at the Marta Abreu University of Las Villas in Cuba.
The Renewable Energy,Waste Management,and Character building Student The program to issue to Suistainable world with: 1.The Renewable Energy 2.Waste Management 3.Character building Student
other pictures
A Day in the Life The 5th Grade Humanities class at Town School for Boys in San Francisco, CA has been reading "The Circuit" by Francisco Jimenez, and studying Human Rights. Our mission in this project was to raise awareness of Human Rights issues both at home and abroad. Our driving question was "How do we tell a story about a Human Rights issue...
Theater Games
Azerbaijan students introduse themselves
Azerbaijan students introduse themselves
feeding the poor. People in our country are dying in starvation and its not just our country. Some people in our country are just throwing food away like they don't care and trust me they really don't care. You know rather than just going and ask the needy if they want any food and they would say yes. You know one day my mother caught me throwing food...
Todt Hill Black Box Theater
The Art of Recycling Italy
MS 172 Playground Theater Space
Possible theater sites near Birch Cliff
Organic Garden Dream Postcards from the UK
Chelsea GPJr Kids : Defend the Forest Storyboards
Chelsea GPJr Kids : Defend the Forest
Chelsea GPJr Kids Act-Out The Monkey and the Crocodile
Chelsea GPJr Kids Visit the Lenox Lounge
the skit The theters in bombay are modern some old theters are also in use. The national indian dance is Bharatnatiyam
Sorrentino Theatre Album
The White Tiger--Creating a Set Design
The story of monkey and crocodile by gpjdelhi-afsanak
monkey and the crocodile
Times Square - Theater District
Theatres in my city
toronto theatre
The Monkey and the Crocodile: Storyboard
Theater in Ho Chi Minh City
Theatre in Dublin - Mr. Travers
GIN of the Americas 2012 Film Festival Explore this amazing collection of videos submitted from schools across the Americas for the 2012 Global Issues Network Conference at Graded School in October 2012!
Ties to the Bahamas
Education is the successful door of the life!
Our visit to the High Line
Parkchester Unit 1 Project: Save the Plants
Pavilion Study Centre - businesses in the High Street
Organic Garden Dream Postcards from the UK
There for Haiti The “There for Haiti” International Video Conference invites you to submit artwork that demonstrates how young Canadians, from the Pacific to the Arctic to the Atlantic Oceans, are “There for Haiti.” In addition to sharing your work on the online Global Gallery, a select group of students will have the opportunity to share what their art means...
Communities around the world
The Bishop Strachan School
Motherwell Heritage Centre
Heritage of the Libyan People's Set of images that show some scenes from the life of old and traditional costumes of our ancestors in the past
DeforestACTION in the Heart of Borneo (Photos by EW Paul Daley)
Photos from the Field
2.2 - Getting the Information
All for peace in the World! We all want peace in whole World!
change the world. if you want to change the world . first you should have change for your self .
shopping and preparation of the dish
Dublin Plants are ready for the Ground!
Roland Jackson agitates that The fight for a better world. peace talk is a great weapon Roland Jackson agitates that The fight for a better world. peace talk is a great weapon Guns into the sahara desert belt, who sponsored the rebels for years, was the money robbed by rebels and terrorist has been use as scholarship, these weapon are they traced to the 47 round code once own by Osama bin ladin. does these weapon comes in through...
Youth and their role in Good Governance Youth comment on Good Governance and how they can influence in Guyana
Year 3 - Where are the Rainforests?
orangutans (& other primates) some of my favorite primate photos, mostly of orangutans
getting the word out about deforestACTION how we've promoted deforestaction:project Borneo in the Ballard, Phinney, University District, and Fremont neighborhoods
Thea Visits From NY
Cathedral Primary : Unit 4 work
Speak For Them Those of us with the power and soul have the obligation to speak for the oppressed who cannot.
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
the musical culture music and culture is the only way to preserve peace and love..........
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
Apartheid Wall Art (most international artists)
TIG @ The United Nations Climate Change Conference
Our Trip to the Brooklyn Navy Yard
The World Colours Display of my appreciation for diversity through my own original works.
The Comming Disaster This picture was taken in Potanga Beach, Chittagong, Bangladesh. In the picture it seems like a girl is trying to protect herself from the water though it is sure that the water will engulf her. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable developing countries of the world because of its defenselessness to climate change and...
The Art of Partying My take on several Christmas parties of different agencies and organizations as well as Barangays all over Catbalogan City during December 2009. the story behind the merriment... Location: around Catbalogan City, Samar, Philippines
DO GOOD For the demolition of poverty In the existing of our life, I think we must do something good. Don't hesitate to DO GOOD, This world is full of plights people …
sky is the limit ***
The United Nations and Youth The United Nations has been in existence for more than 20 years and there are more than 190 countries members of the United Nations. The UN stands for peaceful settlement of conflicts, sustainable development, human rights protection and the Kyoto Protocol. What does the UN mean to you and how do you see the youth connected to the UN?
Recognizing the Resistance of Indigenous Peoples Throughout history the indigenous peoples of the world have continually resisted threats to their cultures and existence. From the first contact with outside cultures to modern day struggles, indigenous resistance continues all over the world from Mexico to Australia. In this Global Gallery contest we ask TIG members to share stories, modern...
Russia Through the Eyes of Youth Do you remember instances when spoken words failed to capture the complexity of your feelings and experiences? Sometimes silent images can say more than words through the profound and versatile language of art. The new art contest, Russia Through the Eyes of Youth, is a great opportunity to show many young people around the world how you, as...
Participation: The Domino Effect "There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, with the help of their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun." - Pablo Picasso Willingly or not, we "participate". We participate in the effects of the decisions made by a government. We participate in the...
Disability: Belonging to the Body In conjunction with TakingITGlobal's Featured Theme on Disability, the Global Gallery invites submissions on the body and disability. The purpose of this collection is to raise consciousness on the representation of disability in society and to showcase the work of artists with disabilities. Artists are encouraged to subvert...
Communicate: Talk to Each Other In November 2002 the UNESCO General Conference and its over 150 member states drafted the Declaration of Cultural Diversity as a milestone towards the recognition of cultural differences as a universal human right. In a time when some might see a clash of civilizations as a natural state of the world, the aims of the convention were to reaffirm...
The Power of Media Imagine a billboard at the busiest intersection in the biggest city in the world. Every day, millions of people walk by and see it. This billboard has the power to communicate, connect, open minds, change opinions, and plant seeds for positive action. This billboard is a form of media: the means through which most of our opinions and...
Window on the Information Society A revolution is taking place and you are an inevitable part of it. People, ideas, issues, and cities are interdependent, and they are being connected at unprecedented speeds. Distances are narrowing and horizons expanding, as access to the world is constantly at our fingertips. Today, human beings are submerged in an era of knowledge,...
The Learning Curve For September's theme of Education & Learning, the Global Gallery ran a contest entitled "The Learning Curve". Education can mean the difference between freedom and oppression, access and restriction, knowledge and ignorance. What does education look like to you? What does education mean to you? Show us through your artwork!
The Value of Water On June 5, the world was celebrating World Environment Day. The theme for this year is "Water -- 2 billion people are dying for it." As a community that is aware, participates in discussions and strives to take action on global issues, TakingITGlobal ran June 2003's Global Gallery contest focussing on water. The title of the...
Defining the Struggle for Peace The theme for April 2003 was Peace & Conflict. For the contest, the Global Gallery ran a contest entitled, "Defining the Struggle for Peace", we wanted you to share what you thought of peace and conflict in the world, in your country, or in your community, and to help to increase awareness and understanding through your artwork!
60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights December 10th, 2008 will mark the 60th anniversary of the UDHR. In celebration of this historic event CASHRA in partnership with TakingITGlobal (TIG) JHC are conducting an online awareness campaign to spread the word on human rights issues among youth in Canada and across the globe. CASHRA and TIG are asking young people to convey their thoughts...
Dialogue Change: The Global Issues May Call-to-Action In the month of May we are putting out a call to Action : dialogue for change! This online event will use intercultural dialogue on diversity to jump start discussion on Child Labour in honour of the 10th anniversary of Convention 182 on Child Labour. Beyond verbal discussion, participants in this call-to-action will have the opportunity to...
Images of the Global Workforce As the global economy has grown and changed, so has the global workforce: Indian telecommunications operators answer phone calls from North America and Europe, while Mexican farm labourers travel as far North as Canada to work the harvest season. The next Global Gallery collection will focus on capturing images of this global workforce, which...
Cultural Expressions Around The World Over 25,000 highschool students from across Ontario attended the Youth Empowerment Event held at the Skydome on Thursday April 5., a not-for-profit youth online organization, was one of the outstanding volunteer associations and booths at the event. Submissions from a contest the showcase team developed, entitled...
Native American [includes all indigenous from around the world] An art exhibit of my indigenous inspirations.
Art of the world.
The Cardinal tecnica mista/tavola 100x50
Fashion Concepts of the Internet Era Although, the internet is new, some fashion ideas generate from the early internet roots.
A Philosophy and Practice for Now and the Future The phrase "how can I help" shows great humanity.
the last breath!!! When you feel like there is nothing else to live for, please pray for your life while the time still a friend of yours!
we are not the minority, are we??? Does the poorest also have a voice? how come people talk about humam rights or humanaty with one hand in their pocket and other one in their interest? I'm confused because I can't understand the people whom call themselves human but do am I the only one? As a wise man once said; 'more of i think of a man more I like my dog'.
A Gurung mother from the central hills of Nepal The old lady, wearing her ethnic jewellry, is anxiously peering at the valley below longing for the safe arrival of her son, who is a Gurkhas in the British Army.She lives a frugal life, prays to the Himalayan Gods and lives a simple life. Her very existence depends on the money brought by her precious son.
My trip to Athens Light is shed on the attitude the Greeks had toward war and battle by the characterization of the god of war, Ares, and the goddess of battle, Athena. The Greeks hated the god of war and depicted him as a bully and a coward, while showing Athena as glorious and virtuous. Unlike the Romans, who glorified Mars (the Roman name for Ares) because...
Southern Art By Patrick O'Byrne I enjoy drawing things that represent the South. Living in Georgia has influenced me to draw subjects of the old south. I prefer the black & white medium over color expecially when it comes to drawing of old things.
Hazrat Dovud-the holy place in the mountains of Uzbekistan The exhibit is a collection of pictures of a holy place in uzbekistan called Hazrat Dovud, people visit it as piligrims or just enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature.
Varanasi: The Eternal City Varanasi, Hinduism's holiest city, lies on the banks of the Ganges and has a recorded history of over 3,000 years. This exhibit tries to capture the magic of the city.
Sinai, the Eastern Desert, and the Red Sea This exhibit is dedicated to the Sinai Peninsula, the Egyptian Eastern Desert, and the Red Sea region.
Alexandria and the North Coast I dedicate this exhibit to my hometown, Alexandria, and its surrounding region (aka The Egyptian North Coast). As such, photos that I shot, are meant to give the visitor an idea about daily-life and nature in Alexandria and the North Coast.
to the temple this is a pen drawing of women going to the temple......
THE AFRICAN CHILD There are very many pairs f eyes in the world.All these pairs have got a tale to tell.Just look keenly and you will see something in the piercing eye. Some depict sorrow, some depict pain and suffering, some depict inquisitive nature, while some depict joy and hapiness.It is through understanding the background of the persons invoved that we...
Outside the Borders Tnis exhibit is dedicated to the photos I shot during my trips out of my country, Egypt.
Afghanistan, the stories Photos from the backstage of our documentary film "The Tale of Aurezu", shot in Afghanistan in 2004/2005. Pictures by Gianluca Di Santo
The way What you gain will not only be at the end, but also be along the way you are following. Just move on!
The Western Desert The Western Desert of Egypt makes up to 65 % of Egypt's total area. While many might believe that desert is only a vast sandy wasteland, this exhibit is dedicated to prove the inaccuracie of this stereotypical notion.
THE ME COLLECTION A series of self portraits~ 'EXPRESSION' >Repression gives you cancer :)
The tiny little pieces of the world These are just the pieces of the world surrounding me. Caught by accident, they are often the only remnants of what my eyes got to see...
The beauty of freedom They are easily, freely, beautiful. I look at them again and again...and every time they impress me of gracefulness
Clouds in the sky
The Volga river The Volga river is the longest one in Europe and one of the longest in the world (3530 km). It originates in the Valday Hills northwest of Moscow and flows down Astrakhan and there finally enters the Caspian Sea. The Volga carries about half of all river freight in Russia. Numerous dams (bypassed by locks) provide hydroelectricity and water for...
...the beauty of Great ife !
The Ellora Caves Ellora represents the epitome of Indian rock cut architecture. The 34 "caves" - actually structures excavated out of the vertical face of the Charanandri hills - comprised of Buddhist, Hindu and Jain cave temples and monasteries, were built between the 5th century and 10th century. The 12 Buddhist, 17 Hindu and 5 Jain caves, built in...
Art Show From The Lava Flow In the first four years of the 21st Century I completed 240 Large Format Images and they are all Original and created with unusual tools. Enjoy and let them heal and stimulate creativity.
Art Show From The Lava Flow In the first four years of the 21st Century I completed 240 Large Format Images and they are all Original and created with unusual tools. Enjoy and let them heal and stimulate creativity.
THE CROP CIRCLE COLLECTION This collection is the worlds most prolific collection in oils on canvas documenting the cropcircle Formations that appear in the fields of Wiltshire and Hampshire and other locations around the globe in the summer time
THE FUTURE FACE OF AFRICA Looking at these young faces, you could at least see one or two visions of Africa’s future registered in their young face. Innocent as they are, we know that if natured well, their dreams will be fulfilled. This exhibition is inspired by the fact that we were all young and innocent as they are. But over time, things have really changed for us...
The Art of Doodle's Just some drawings that you make on your spare time but still come out great.
Fatherly devotion In the hispanic culture women are frowned upon for not staying home with the children, cooking dinner and cleaning the house. I fight to develop an image of equality between my husband and I. During the day, I work, my husband watches the girls. During the night my husband works, and I watch the girls. My education is much higher than my...
Heal the world ...of her wounds and scars.
TakeMeThere! Landscape rendering a la Dexter! TakeMeThere showcases places that exist only in your imagination. Take a look and dream of things that can not be! More to come so stay tuned!
The Other Side
Fathers and Sons A painted aluminum sculpture, 10' high, shown at Pier Walk '99 on Chicago's Navy Pier.
The Natural World Views of Nature
The M.R.Collection An extension of my life

Submissions (3420)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Why I Protect the Oceans I love ocean creatures and want to protect them from plastic pollution and garbage.
Rebsmoon Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Make The Earth Look Clean Like This St. Leo Catholic School
tgodwald Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Lost in the Garden The purpose of this art is to encourage our leaders to take action on food security.
Tags: garden, fruit, vegetable, meat, milk, food security
BlockyBroc Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Mother Earth Earth is like a mother, and as so, we have to care for her. She is beautiful, majestic, and simply breathtaking.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
The ancestral tree The work refers to the condition of our common ancestry. Despite the human ills evident today, the search for love must be prioritized by humanity.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
Crying out in the midst of pesticides The book seeks to portray the impacts of pesticides on the environment and human health. People are perplexed to learn that European countries produce and sell agrochemicals to developing countries like Brazil.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
The node tree It refers to the condition of the unbridled search for technology in the midst of various options and the search for truth, for human rights, for the identity that must be rescued in the face of life's unknowns.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
The tree of all people The tree of all peoples refers to the condition of having the same historical root, where we must respect other cultures and customs, respecting the diversity of each people, without wars. The play seeks to show how fragile we are, but we must have a deep respect for life and the environment that surrounds us. The roots seek to establish our...
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
Tears of the Earth People have caused so much damage to our planet that the Earth has every reason to cry.
silwen Collage
The Earth's Dream The Earth is saddened by the way She is treated by the people. Her dream is to be beautiful and free again...
silwen 3D Graphics