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Collections (3)

Thumbnail Title Description
We See Things Differently We See Things Differently is a youth led, collaborative online campaign to collect and connect our stories, our visions and our efforts to remake the world within one generation. We want to hear from the young leaders around the planet: What is your vision for a better world? What issues are important to you and...
Random Things Bunch of Random things
Egyptian Things All my Egyptian Drawings and paintings

Submissions (10)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
My Favorite Things Emiliano's passion for Musical theatre can be appreciated through the Aladdin lamp ceramic and the Phantom of the Opera ceramic mask The drawing includes all his favourite things in life His ceramic portrait reflects his Mexican roots
YouthMedia Drawing, Pencil
The things We do for money This is based one business people, they do many things like build huge factories that pollute a lot more for money. As you can see it has a hand , and it’s right handed- my teacher gave me the idea of the person being right-handed since Right handed people are often seemed as more business than left handed people. The business man is holding...
cieloamaya Painting, Watercolour
Never do things which are not good enough Author: Natalaija Trpkoska Organization: Primary school Kiril i Metodij Poster represents people relations. It is a message send to the youth.
ayv Computer Graphics
Even the smallest of things are beautiful This flower was literally the size of my thumb.
effiekaye Photography, Colour
girlesau Mixed Media
The Amazing Things Nature is the most amazing thing. Look at this picture. The flower looks like a butterfly.
kornkid86 Painting, Watercolour
Simple Things, Big things It seems like the flowers are growing into the light. I just really like this picture.
susanricalde Photography, Colour
Weird Things III Weird Things III
msherif Computer Graphics
Weird Things This art piece is called “Weird Things”. Life will always be full of such weird stuff. And we have to deal with it. We even meet people in streets with weird looks and body language. Life will always get us in future weird things and we have to accept it. Weird people also can do weird stuff. And weird things will always make us curious to know...
msherif Computer Graphics
things we always hear but never listen to I have selected several songs, by various artists, and these songs contain messages about life, and friendship (Friends never say goodbye, High...) so these songs were gathered in a CD... and I thought that this cover might suit it...
Fantasy Collage