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Collections (243)

Thumbnail Title Description
Dare to Reshape Our World What visions come to mind when you close your eyes and imagine a better world? There are many things changing very quickly and many ‘problems’ to fix in the world today. Each of these problems also represents an opportunity to engage and shape the future of our communities and our world. Being able to visualize how our world could...
HOW TO BOOK A FLIGHT | 1♚888♛7108♚147 HOW TO BOOK A FLIGHT | 1♚888♛7108♚147
$125 Off SiteWide + Free Shipping on mattress and couch of Nolah Sleep store only at reecoupons Reecoupons is the well-known shopping site, shown the online shopping coupons and deals on the products . There are tons of valuable discount offers are available, now they are offering discount on mattresses. click on:
What Does Well-Being Look Like to You? The term well-being is defined as the state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy. The state of well-being includes many positive things - such as being healthy, sense of belonging, feeling happy and purposeful, a safe physical space (such as your home), a fulfilling career, and many other factors that are interrelated. In short, well-being...
My art: A look to the protection of the beaches... The inspiration this given by the protection of the sands and the student project of Cuba SOS for the LIFE
Auto Stamper : Timestamp Camera for Photos Capture and mark your “Happy Memories or Priceless Moments” of Life by adding a Stamp on it with Auto Stamper. With this Application, you can add up to 4 Stamps at a time named Date and Time, Signature Text, GPS Location and Watermark Logo on Photographs captured with the Inbuilt Camera of your Smartphone(Android). Then depending upon your...
Auto Stamper : Timestamp Camera for Photos Capture and mark your “Happy Memories or Priceless Moments” of Life by adding a Stamp on it with Auto Stamper. With this Application, you can add up to 4 Stamps at a time named Date and Time, Signature Text, GPS Location and Watermark Logo on Photographs captured with the Inbuilt Camera of your Smartphone(Android). Then depending upon your...
From Residential Schools to Reconciliation: A Celebration of Art & Writing As part of Alberta’s Project of Heart, students from across the province are invited to share their writings and artwork that depict their understanding of the people of Alberta’s journey towards reconciliation. The celebration is open to grades 1 to 12. Participants may submit works of art, poetry, film, video or writings in this celebration....
Stories From Syria Due to the rise of a critically urgent issue concerning refugees in the Arab world, communities needs to come together to address the humanitarian crisis. As a way of showing support and encouraging solidarity we invite you to share your stories from Syria through creative artwork (Images or videos). These visual representations will not...
Girls Belong Too A Girls' Empowerment Group was created at Strawberry Hill Elementary to promote self-esteem in our students from many different cultures. Our group instills the belief that girls have the right and the ability to be in positions of power and influence. Girls matter and belong.
Panhandle Equine Rescue Photography A collection of photos I have taken of equines that have been rescued from abuse and neglect by the Panhandle Equine Rescue of northwest Florida.
Best Metal Detector
Customer Satisfaction Survey Voice in the Customer is critical to conveying solid remarks from clients or Satisfaction Survey that permits your business to develop gainfully and build customer dependability. Jusfeedback Services is a gathering of specialized and examination experts who have profound information of Vovici's innovations and exploration strategies,...
Unit 2: Toronto - Jesse Ketchum Ms. Dunne
Tokyo Visits NYC
Hamilton Fish
My Hometown!
Our Team and Mentors
Recycling Photos
Education for All Photography
Wedding Photography Time Into Pixels Photography in Minneapolis specializes in extensive range of photography services including wedding photography, business headshots, portraits etc.
Jill's Tours
Story vs. Reality
Story vs. Reality
Story vs. Reality
Story vs. Reality
Fotokids An illustration against the racism, women violence,
Toronto, Canada
Mott Haven Library Building Tour
Our Team and Mentors
My Hometown!
Todt Hill Black Box Theater
Stockholm April 16-17, 2013
Chelsea GPJr Kids : Defend the Forest Storyboards
Chelsea goes to Harlem
Community Stories Collage
Climate Summit 2013 Photos
Favourite City Places - Toronto
Activities Photos
Unit 2 storyboards 7A1
MS 172 Monkey & Crocodile Storyboard
Unit 2 Project Storyboards Paris
The story of monkey and crocodile by gpjdelhi-afsanak
Todt Hill's Monkey and Crocodile Storyboard
toronto theatre
The Monkey and the Crocodile: Storyboard
Todt Hill Westerleigh Global Partners
October 1st Nigerian Independence Celebration Party
My Town
School: post a picture of where you go to school
Ties to the Bahamas
CWF Get to Know 2012 Contest Winners! The Canadian Wildlife Foundation - " Get to Know Contest " includes pieces that were based on the inspiration of participants to get outside and create original works of art, writing, photography, videography and music inspired by nature. This year’s theme was “Get to Know Your Wild Neighbours”. This set includes all amazing 2012...
Global Efficient Cookstove Education Project
Global Efficient Cookstove Education Project
Our visit to the High Line
Chewton Primary School
kostas tozis o stoixos mou kostastozis
field trip to Sungui Buloh Wet land Reserve, singapore
My Hometown!
Downtown Quito A view of what downtown Quito has to offer. Quito is considered one of the World's Heritage Capital, reality is not as nice at it looks though, because the amazing colonial and post-colonial structures are surrounded by a general lack of culture and poverty. Quito is the capital of a country full of contrasts.
Unit 3 Project- R+D Laboratory: Peakhurst South- 'Pawsome Pets'
DLab comes to Brookwood
Photos from Palestine--Gallery 3
Photos from Palestine--Gallery 2
Our Team and Mentors
BORNEO, March 2012 (Photos posted by Willie Smits)
1st Stove Attempts
Photos from Palestine- Gallery 1
Will Johnston- Berkeley Carroll
Charlotte Preparatory School
Waste Management photos
Local Products: Post photos of products from Poland
Editorial Cartoons
DeforestACTION in the Heart of Borneo (Photos by EW Paul Daley)
Photos from the Field
2.2 My Connection to Deforestation
BORNEO, March 2012 (Photos by EW Paul Daley)
Paul Daley's photos from Borneo, March & April, 2012
Eco-Warrior Tom Smith's DFA Gallery
Upload Borneo Photos here!
TOP 50 Action Agent: Amelia Swan's DFA Gallery
Tony Dapolito - Final Project Plans
Carlton Primary School
Paul Daley Photography A few of my photo's from the Rainforest of Australia, Indonesia & Malaysia.
Tony Dapolito - Unit 3 Project "Plant House"
Observation photos - Prague
Tokyo when we are 20!!
Student Ideology Photos
Historic Tornado Hit NYC Fall 2010
Political/Artistic Posters & Cartoons (Palestinian)
Our Trip to the Brooklyn Navy Yard
Total Eradication of Poverty in Africa World help africans, we needs your help in total eradication of poverty in africa.
Taroona High School's Photo Journey
Tony Dapolito Halloween
Canada World Youth Learning Forum October 2010, Montreal, QC TIG attended the Canada World Youth Forum and we had a great and enriching experience! Youth from around the world congregated to discuss how organizations serving youth could better integrate and include youth. This included identifying barriers and creating solutions to access to resources, bridging the gap between youth and engagement, and...
Editorial Cartoons
A place on which to stand Free Education for all As part of a collective effort to uphold a worthy ideal, i have come to believe that education for all is not a myth it can be achieved. But if you and i must act to restore the hope of that hopeless child we must act now. What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end...
photos that speak - Photovoice & HIV in Cameroon The images in this set are part of the photovoice projects in the Far North region of Cameroon. These CUSO-VSO and VSO Cameroon-supported projects saw cameras handed over to individuals affected or infected by HIV/AIDS so that they could self-represent their vision of, and insights into, programs delivered by VSO’s partners in the region. Their...
Tony Dapolito - Spa So Special
La gran torre! La gran torre de babel,fue hecha con el fin de llegar hacia el cielo,pero Dios nunca lo permitio,porque supo los malos pensamientos del hombre y confundio sus lenguas de aquellos hombres perversos que la hicieron!
Photos by BG293 Pictures taken by a HIV+ client and the community volunteer who supports him/her in a community in the Far North of Cameroon. These images are part of the "photos qui parlent/photos that speak" project - a project supported by CUSO-VSO and VSO Cameroon. Follow new developments on our TIG project page:...
Photos by BG293 Pictures taken by a HIV+ client and the community volunteer who supports him/her in a community in the Far North of Cameroon. These images are part of the "photos qui parlent/photos that speak" project - a project supported by CUSO-VSO and VSO Cameroon. Follow new developments on our TIG project page:...
Photos by BG293 Pictures taken by a HIV+ client and the community volunteer who supports him/her in a community in the Far North of Cameroon. These images are part of the "photos qui parlent/photos that speak" project - a project supported by CUSO-VSO and VSO Cameroon. Follow new developments on our TIG project page:...
Photos by BG293 Pictures taken by a HIV+ client and the community volunteer who supports him/her in a community in the Far North of Cameroon. These images are part of the "photos qui parlent/photos that speak" project - a project supported by CUSO-VSO and VSO Cameroon. Follow new developments on our TIG project page:...
Photos by BG293 Pictures taken by a HIV+ client and the community volunteer who supports him/her in a community in the Far North of Cameroon. These images are part of the "photos qui parlent/photos that speak" project - a project supported by CUSO-VSO and VSO Cameroon. Follow new developments in the project on our TIG project page:...
Photos by BG293 Pictures taken by a HIV+ client and the community volunteer who supports him/her in a community in the Far North of Cameroon. These images are part of the "photos qui parlent/photos that speak" project - a project supported by CUSO-VSO and VSO Cameroon. Follow new developments in the project on our TIG project page:...
Photos by BG293 Pictures taken by a HIV+ client and the community volunteer who supports him/her in a community in the Far North of Cameroon. These images are part of the "photos qui parlent/photos that speak" project - a project supported by CUSO-VSO and VSO Cameroon. Follow new developments in the project on our TIG project page:...
Photos by BG293 Pictures taken by a HIV+ client and the community volunteer who supports him/her in a community in the Far North of Cameroon. These images are part of the "photos qui parlent/photos that speak" project - a project supported by CUSO-VSO and VSO Cameroon. Follow new developments in the project on our TIG project page:...
Photos by BG293 Pictures taken by a HIV+ client and the community volunteer who supports him/her in a community in the Far North of Cameroon. These images are part of the "photos qui parlent/photos that speak" project - a project supported by CUSO-VSO and VSO Cameroon. The project loaned cameras to clients and volunteers of VODEBO – a local...
Tphotos These are pictures I have taken over the past few years. They can also be see on
Drew Hamilton
Sewer Tourism Sewer Tourism showcase’s the tourist attractions Nairobi River has to offer if it was clean and why it’s dirty. Major role is to communication to the youth and public on the need to save and protect our environment and showcase the pollution of the river by direct human waste from informal settlements.
Chinatown YMCA's Neighborhood Project!
Mis Fotos Mis fotos
West Brighton Photo Album
Tony Dapolito @ Bleecker Bob's
Women's Rights: To Be A Woman Each woman should be equal in her rights to every other woman and man on Earth and, far too often, this is not the case. Discrimination is not only a history, but a process that is fueled every day. It goes beyond categories, builds categories like walls, and uses words like fences; Discrimination ignores basic rights and needs to be...
Disability: Belonging to the Body In conjunction with TakingITGlobal's Featured Theme on Disability, the Global Gallery invites submissions on the body and disability. The purpose of this collection is to raise consciousness on the representation of disability in society and to showcase the work of artists with disabilities. Artists are encouraged to subvert...
Communicate: Talk to Each Other In November 2002 the UNESCO General Conference and its over 150 member states drafted the Declaration of Cultural Diversity as a milestone towards the recognition of cultural differences as a universal human right. In a time when some might see a clash of civilizations as a natural state of the world, the aims of the convention were to reaffirm...
Images of Intolerance "Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in...
Imagining Histories Oral traditions tell us of a time immemorial where we are free to imagine our history without adhering to the textbook version that many of us have grown up with. Oral traditions have been an integral aspect of Indigenous traditional life. They have been passed on from one generation to the next to teach and maintain Indigenous values, customs,...
Dialogue Change: The Global Issues May Call-to-Action In the month of May we are putting out a call to Action : dialogue for change! This online event will use intercultural dialogue on diversity to jump start discussion on Child Labour in honour of the 10th anniversary of Convention 182 on Child Labour. Beyond verbal discussion, participants in this call-to-action will have the opportunity to...
LVVL NCCT Downtown - Causes of Violence
LVVL Etobicoke - Causes of Violence
Russia: Photography
Russia: 'I Paint My World and Give It to You' На протяжении пяти лет в г. Новозыбкове, Брянской области проводится фестиваль детского и юношеского художественного творчества "Я рисую свой мир и дарю его вам". Сайт фестиваля: Организаторы этого конкурса: общественная организация "Радимичи-детям Чернобыля" г.Новозыбкова (Брянская область)...
Creative art Photography Part of Nature
Creative art Photography Part of Nature
Creative art Photography Reflection of Mind
Creative art Photography Reflection of Mind
Creative art Photography Reflection of Mind
Creative art Photography Reflection of Mind
Creative art Photography Reflection of Mind
Creative art Photography Reflection of Mind
Creative art Photography Reflection of Mind
Creative art Photography Part of Nature
Creative art Photography Part of Nature
Creative art Photography Part of Nature
Creative art Photography Part of Nature
Creative art Photography Reflection of Mind
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Reflection of Mind
Creative art Photography Reflection of Mind
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative art Photography Form of Night
Creative Art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative Art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative Art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative Art Photography Form of Night
Creative Art Photography Absolute Surrealism
Creative Art Photography Part of Nature
Creative art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative Art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative Art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative Art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative Art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative Art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Creative Art Photography Voice of Tranquility
Photography These are photos I have taken in Southern California-USA
Stockholm Swedish National Day 2007-06
Il Contratto tecnica mista/tavola 160x125
My trip to Athens Light is shed on the attitude the Greeks had toward war and battle by the characterization of the god of war, Ares, and the goddess of battle, Athena. The Greeks hated the god of war and depicted him as a bully and a coward, while showing Athena as glorious and virtuous. Unlike the Romans, who glorified Mars (the Roman name for Ares) because...
Shahn's Photography this is my work ...the photos I have taken during my field visits in Sindh Province of Pakistan, please give your remarks...Thanks
Doorways to Ethiopia Photos collected during my travels around Ethiopia, from all points of the compass.
Storms Shifting from fear to excitement, storms have always fascinated me. To me, they represent change, new start. They surface my most inner feelings. I’ve always loved watching the rain, the dance of the tree limbs on the wind, listening to the thunder, all in perfect synchrony.
to the temple this is a pen drawing of women going to the temple......
My Cartoons This exhibit is dedicated to some of the "landmarks :D " I made. I hope you like it !
Trip to New York
Afghanistan, the stories Photos from the backstage of our documentary film "The Tale of Aurezu", shot in Afghanistan in 2004/2005. Pictures by Gianluca Di Santo
Tree Tops It overlooks a waterhole and saltlick high in the Aberdare National Park in Kenya
TIG & Alligator II
DCAT's Online! Directed Consumerism With Automatic The "Living Logo" of ABC4All symbolizes the future matching/doubling of all charitable contributions throughout the world. Please consider adding a photo that can accompany the ABC4All Living Logo in this gallery!
TIG & Alligator What a bond ... !
New York, October/November 2005 I came here again as UN Youth Delegate for the UK and saw some different things to last time, so here are a few photos.
Montréal, October 2005 I decided to spontaneously visit a friend living here while in NYC, so here are a few of the pics I took.
Urban Ubiquitous Every day of the week I walk this stretch of road to go study, and sometimes I can't help but to think that it will be this stretch of road that will become the focus of my urban studies. The people that live on it, those ghostly faces staring out at me from their rugged porches, the pizza man throwing up his dough, the sagging eyes looking...
It's never too late to dream!!! let show our dream that we need it like a need for hug coming from deep inside. Believe that you special, you are unique in your own way like bread in middle of table. protect and you will never be alone!!! Please keep dreaming even when you are last of us!
Toronto Metro Zoo 2006 My 3 day trip to the Toronto Metro Zoo, exploring animal behaviour and equality.
...from birth to date ! This avails you the opportunity of getting to see my many faces from childhood to date.
Toon Diepstraten Oil paintings and drawings
..motivators !
Ajay's Favourite City: Vladivostok Vladivostok has everything from beautiful streets and architecture, panoramic sea views from hills, an excellent port and harbour, cultural attractions and beautiful nature. See for yourself, why I love this city more than any other!
Photography Black & White and Color Photography
Human Rights Violations can be stopped also in Germany( pl Help) I know this is not easy for the world to believe.But that is the point! Germany builds its buildings of HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS on the innocence and ignorance of the world We all have thought Holocaust was Yesterday.But it isn't!! It ended up with DEATHS and PAINS But what after that??Peace? Freedom? Prejudice, intolerance and denial of...
US Photos 2004 A series of photos taken in the US from the summer and fall of 2004.
Black & White Photography I love it, and I have so much I decided to make an exhibit. Enjoy! :)
Toronto 2004 My visits to TIG headquarters in Toronto during the summer of 2004
Touching those afflicted We as humans would all like to leave our mark on the world, yet most leave only a blink. This wonderful lady not only changed her world, but the world of those who touched her.
Horse Photos Manipulated photos of horses ....
Old Ride: A Georgetown Car Show Spent a Friday night wandering \'downtown\' Georgetown, snapping shots of these impressive vehicles. Cars simply do not look this cool, nowadays!
Urban Photography
Floral Photographs
Urban Photography
Floral photography
Toronto Images above Toronto
Black and White Film Photography A series of Black and White photo's shot from 2003-2004. All developed and processed in the darkroom at my school. Includes a wide variety of subject matter.
b/w street photography - china I've created this exhibition to share with you some of my pictures that I've taken during my time in China. The pictures show how I see China. All of them are taken in the streets, most of them in the streets of Shanghai. I think many people don't recognize how the world around them really looks like. They rush to work, but they...

Submissions (1846)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
O grito no meio dos girassóis O grito em meio aos girassóis, é a expressão de espanto frente as condições das mudanças climáticas que afetam a saúde e o meio ambiente. Sendo um direito de poder respirar ar de qualidade de ver crescer os girassóis e usufruir das suas belezas.
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
O grito dos novos tempos Ismael de Abreu, Kaio Silva, Millene de Moraes, Maria Eduarda, Maria Cecília Gonçalves
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil
Too Hot We learnt about the melting polar ice caps and glaciers. This worries us a lot and we would like to help stop the global warming.
silwen Painting, Acrylic
Stop and Think! I believe people should stop harming the natural environment and thinking only about themselves. They should think about the world and how to keep it good for the children.
silwen Collage
We are thinking too much In these times of climatic instability, where every day the temperature, sea level and the amount of plastic in the oceans increases, we are thinking of a solution for this. We are thinking too much in my opinion. Because the world keeps spinning while we are searching for it, time continues. And despite all the improvements we have done these...
globalgallery Photography, Colour
Utopia: A place where we are all happy and feel loved. A future where everything is perfect; where our environment is beautiful. Created using AI.
globalgallery Computer Graphics
Dare to Reshape our World: More Love Love is the key for a happy society, for a place of peace.
globalgallery Computer Graphics
Dare to Reshape our World: Life Created using Artificial Intelligence
globalgallery Computer Graphics
To Have a Heart The main thing this world lacks the most; is a heart. People need to have a heart for this place to become better, you can not just keep dragging a cold ice brick and expect it to heat up on its own. We need to start sympathizing with each other first to move ahead. Thus a heart latching on to the earth.
globalgallery Drawing, Charcoal
the ingredient to success the ingredient you need to success is change
globalgallery Drawing, Pencil