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Collections (7)

Thumbnail Title Description
Unit 2: Toronto - Jesse Ketchum Ms. Dunne
Toronto, Canada
Favourite City Places - Toronto
toronto theatre
Toronto Metro Zoo 2006 My 3 day trip to the Toronto Metro Zoo, exploring animal behaviour and equality.
Toronto 2004 My visits to TIG headquarters in Toronto during the summer of 2004
Toronto Images above Toronto

Submissions (38)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Toronto Island My artwork reflects my Canadian identity by showing that you can get to know Toronto better through Toronto Island. I have learned about Canada, it's beauty, the people through visiting Toronto Island. It's one of my favourite places in Toronto and I feel like I learn more about myself and my relationship to this country every time I go there. I...
Tags: maria
Ischel Mixed Media
Where I have been, Where I am going 2 This is a map of Etobicoke North in Toronto or ward 2. It is in the shape of a map of a country to show an ambigous nation when in reality it is Etobicoke north. The people are migrating west from war, trauma, environmental and econonic reasons and make up the migrants and the refugees of this country. I don't identify as Canadian to do so erase...
Tags: migration, refugees, etobicoke, toronto, erasure, honour
Sparrowspot Mixed Media
Toronto Dragon Boat Races Paddles send splashes of water flying that normally sits still and voices of excitement and competition fill the air at the "Toronto International Dragon Boat Race 2006". Taken with the megxon c480 digital camera.
PinchMe Photography, Colour
Downtown Toronto at night
derekw Photography, Colour
Toronto Skyline - Inverted I love Toronto as a city and enjoy that it's on the water. Taken from a boat in the harbour -- my second passion, sailing. Skyline and airplane (on the left) in white.
hugh Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Denis the Menace from Toronto, ON.
Bonhomme Photography, Colour
Toronto Winter City Show Acá les presento un collage de imágenes del Toronto Winter City 2005. Fue un muy buen espectáculo con mucho frío y acompañado de Ruth y Victoria, a la salida de las oficinas de TIG :-)
damianprofeta Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Toronto night A picture of the Toronto waterfront around 9:30 pm at night in the summer. I was in a moving boat the time, which explains the almost double exposure type result.
hugh Photography, Colour
Willis Photography, Colour
Here Comes {My} Sun Again - Toronto, Canada, June 2002
Jarra Photography, Colour