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Submissions (13)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
coffee trade Unfair coffee trade opposing what companies make us believe by selling it to us with marketing techniques and what is truly behind these apparency to denunciate the unfairness of coffee trading
audreystemarie Drawing, Crayon
Earning a living through the trades / Gagner sa vie grâce au commerce This Afghan man earns money by making shoes on the side of a street. -- Cet Afghan gagne de l'argent en fabriquant des chaussures dans les rues.
mfurdyk Photography, Colour
TOOTHLESS TIGER - Help end the abuse of captive BIG CATS! Nikita was used as a photo prop for years, he had his teeth and claws removed and was chained in place while people could take photos and touch him. Please help us put a stop to this kind of abuse by taking just a few seconds to click on this link and vote for BIG CAT RESCUE.
Tags: tiger, liger, lion big, cats, abuse, help, stop, trade, illegal
1BigCatRescue Photography, Colour
Spinning organic fair trade cotton by hand, Senegalese village
lizcooper Photography, Colour
WORLD TRADE CENTER TRADE WORLD CENTER 2007 Acrylic and oil on canvas 50,7 x 50,7 in Davis Lisboa <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a...
davislisboa Mixed Media
~Pearl Trade~ Since the early days, when Dubai was a center for pearl fishing and pearl trade..
brighteyes999 Painting, Watercolour
Palmnut Trader A woman sitting at the Kaneshie Market in Accra, Ghana selling palmnuts.
kwessy Photography, Colour
Tradescantia ernestia & Grasshopper While walking through the woods while working on botanical surveys I came across this scene and just couldn't resist. The image turned out great. The grasshopper jumped away immediately after the shutter closed. The whole thing took less than 15 seconds. Since it is a flower image I can't help but say sometimes you've got to stop and smell the...
dwm376s Photography, Colour
Child trade Child trading is an important issue in Romania. I'm sure every country has this problem and i wanted to make a shocking picture of what the reality is. Original artwork is 15*10 cm CMYK made in Adobe Photoshop.
c0ntrast Collage
choyg8 Photography, Colour