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Submissions (11)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Backyard Visitor - Danielle Trudeau 2012 Canadian Winner - CWF "Get to Know" Contest "Backyard Visitor” Danielle Trudeau Age 19 LaSalle, MB
JulieGao Painting
OUR VISIT - RIDGE TOWERS ACCRA Ridge towers in Ghana.An aerial view courtesy Google Maps. I forgot to mention that the glass used for the exterior of the building transmit very little sound, and hence is a good sound insulator. This Laminated glass incorporates a special acoustic interlayer, which absorbs some of the incident sound energy
kosinyako Photography, Colour
huts small village in the extreme north of Cameroon, nice place to visit
Tags: visit
magyc Flash Animation
sabotom Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Une visite a la ferme, QC.
Bonhomme Photography, Colour
Colosseum of the Luxor Temple..revisited Main colosseum of the Luxor temple, Egypt, June 2006.
aymanelhakea Photography, Colour
Eclipse Sky (Revisited) El Salloum Bay, Egypt, during total solar eclipse. March 06'.
aymanelhakea Photography, Colour
Visit The Wild Life in Africa There is A lot more to say about Wild life in South Africa, they are great people not wild as you think.
wahooe Photography, Colour
Visitor Just a dream? <digital painting>
Lancecraft Computer Graphics
Fall Country Re-visited Digitally modified to enhance contrast, otherwise crayons only...
Mayukh Drawing, Crayon