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Collections (3)

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Zoo Enclosures
Toronto Metro Zoo 2006 My 3 day trip to the Toronto Metro Zoo, exploring animal behaviour and equality.
Zoo Metro Toronto Zoo

Submissions (22)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Zoom & Creativity Through zoom meetings we have spent fun time together having fun playing with photoshop and laughing from each other.
YouthMedia Painting
Zoom & Creativity Through zoom meetings we have spent fun time together having fun playing with photoshop and laughing from each other.
YouthMedia Photography, Colour
Creativity During Zoom Calls Through zoom meetings we have spent fun time together having fun playing with photoshop and laughing from each other.
YouthMedia Photography, Colour
Creative Over Zoom I have a very relaxing and creative time during my art lessons online, I just love exploring techniques, colors, design and to push my creativity to make different things every week. It doesn´t feel is online
YouthMedia Photography, Colour
Drama Over Zoom I didn´t know I would be able to sing a special song to my mom on Mothers Day and also it was so much fun to dance together. I love my musical theatre lessons and the creativity they show us to inspire us and to make us enjoy life with simplicity and joy.
YouthMedia Photography, Colour
Beauty and the Beast over Zoom I have been so frustrated with the quarantine , especially because my drama lessons are now in front of my computer. Every week I pushed myself to come out with a creative idea so I organized my entire family, including my grandma who was staying with us, to play my favorite story "Beauty and the Beast", we were rehearsing, making costumes...
YouthMedia Mixed Media
Zoom Dance Class Because of zoom dance lessons I have my mom playing with me Grease, when she started dancing as Danny Zuko I couldn´t believe it, I just think about how fun was that day together , I want to repeat the experience!!
YouthMedia Mixed Media
Let's make it a happy ending story. You can see it in his eyes. Feel with them.
Tags: animal, lion, prisoner, rights, feel, heart, iraq, zoo
Andam Photography, Black and White
Close the zoo Artist(s): Rafa Pedro Donnarumma Organization: Agenda Global Siglo 21 There's an active youth movement with the objective to close the city zoo. The facebook site We try to express the ideas and feelings of the community and the youth regarding this topic.
ayv Photography, Colour
Close the zoo There is an active youth movement with the objective to close the city zoo in Argentina. The image aims to express the ideas and feelings of the community, especially youth, regarding the closure of the zoo.
Tags: etiket ekle
pegaht Photography, Colour