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Submissions (350)

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tinisha Collage
No One Believes Us Because We Are Young We're killing the earth and that's really fun. /s
tgodwald Collage
Maggot Sausages? Humans were once together with nature - we had trees as staff, swans as friends, and eagles for wings. However, our endless desires shielded us from seeing our oneness. Our eyes are gone. In the end, it's just one blind man to another, telling each other to eat maggot sausages to save the earth.
globalgallery Collage
Tears of the Earth People have caused so much damage to our planet that the Earth has every reason to cry.
silwen Collage
The Butterfly Effect If you think that insects are small and don't matter, you are wrong! If insects disappear, humans will follow - and sooner than you may think.
silwen Collage
Stop and Think! I believe people should stop harming the natural environment and thinking only about themselves. They should think about the world and how to keep it good for the children.
silwen Collage
If You Were an Alien If you were an alien, which planet would you like to land on?
silwen Collage
Let's choose our future Same planet, two options . What are we thinking about? let's stop and get back to nature
globalgallery Collage
A FUTURISTIC TAKE This price shows how the world will look if every thing is very hight tech. Smoke free cars and with even stray per homes. It also shows how secure the neighborhoods can be when there are robot guards.
globalgallery Collage
Ocean Commotion This collage shows one serious problem: ocean pollution.
Tags: ocean, pollution, rising temperatures
JEJD-MAT Collage