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Submissions (4)

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Differences Between Education in Africa and Canada
Mixed Media
A tool called Technology The man of today is equipped with an indispensible tool for developement, but there is still a majority of people on this earth who havent even tasted a bit of the overwhelming influence the technology has on us today.
awaqeel Computer Graphics
All opportunities are not created equal. As an individual, I do not exist in this world alone. What I do with my life affects other people. Likewise, the actions of others create the opportunities I take advantage of in my life. All opportunities are not created equal. When people are not given sufficient access to the basic resources they need to be productive and successful (read:...
matthuebert Mixed Media
Knowledge is Power this is titled as a result of the ignorance of the boy about educational background.
Tags: may chieu
waleadesokan03 Painting, Watercolour