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Submissions (4)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
THE CONFUSION THAT PREVAILS... Despite the emergence of modern technology, a poor man's life is now simply beyond the reach of the information society, He is tangled up in his own needs. It does not matter to him what progress man has made in science or technology but what is important to him that he gets the access to the basic necesstites of life, while on the other hand, A...
awaqeel Mixed Media
Cool shadow of Information & Communication Technology Information & Communication Technology is just like this Oak tree that provides forage for cattle, fiber for tribes, fertilizer for farmers, fuel for country people, medicine for ill people and water and fresh air for everybody likewise ICT has something for everyone in the information society.
farhadali Painting, Oil
KIDS AT SCHOOL FUTUREKIDS ensures that all children have access to the latest applications and equipment in the rapidly changing world of information technology.
choyg8 Painting, Oil
Career Woman This is an image of woman of today who makes everything right by her own methods and initiative. A woman who faces the challenges of life in spite of her femininity and weaknesses. She is in the field of technology, integrating her skills in arts.
erlich78 Computer Graphics