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Submissions (3)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Quintero In this artistic representation, I wanted to show a problem that affects my country, my region and especially my compatriots who live in this area of ​​sacrifice. The area of ​​Quintero over the years has been contaminated by industry and entrepreneurs who do not mind polluting the beaches, the air, and the lives of the people who live in this...
Tags: climatechange, soccer, beach, plastic, Decarbonize, Decolonize
madeleineveas Collage
Title: Melted by capitalism In this corporate world of competition ,the thing people cares about the most is making money and gaining profit but none cares about our mother Earth . The industrialists keep on establishing new industries by cutting down trees and they don't even take eco friendly measures to filter the harmful fumes that the industries produce cause that...
Tags: Decarbonize, Decolonize, art, creativity, climate, industrialism, destruction
Fairooz Painting, Watercolour
Heal to discover This painting means to evoke colorful beauty, hope and healing to the viewer. This piece was done using watercolors, in order to represent the importance of water and oceans, not only to sustain life and bring equilibrium, but to express ourselves. The focal point is the Iris Flower, this blossom was chosen due to its wide variety of colors and...
Tags: VisualArt, visual art, flower, blue, ocean, CorealReef, coral reef, colorful, paper, art, youth, Decarbonize, Decolonize
Mistro73 Painting, Watercolour