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Collections (1)

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Beautiful Faces and before & after results Sculpted Contours specializes in body contour transformation focusing on Fat Reduction, Skin Lifting & Tightening, Facial Rejuvenation, and Reduction of Cellulite and Crepey Skin. We’ve chosen only FDA cleared procedures and technology to give you the best results. This is important because it means the procedures are medically proven for...

Submissions (74)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
The Calm After the Storm Vehicles started getting back on the roads after the worst part of the storm was over.
ajay78 Photography, Colour
hope in the aftermath While working in Gaza with traumatized children after Israels latest attack I took a lot of pictures of the unbelievable brutality and destruction that happened there. This picture shows what happened and what is now in a very simple way.This boy, still learning, observed by me through a hole in the wall of his school caused by the weapon of its...
anniepalestina Photography, Colour
Crops after cutting
arq Photography, Colour
After the Sunset A vie from my rooftop
awaqeel Photography, Colour
Lazy afternoon
bledsoeart Painting, Watercolour
The World After TIG this is what our planet will be like after everyone discovers the greatness of Taking It Global! everything will be happy and peaceful! :)
breslin Drawing, Crayon
Polar Bear , before and after When there will be no ice the polar bear will dye in a warm land
CarlosChiu Drawing, Pencil-crayon
chaosartworks Painting, Acrylic
After the Sunset Hi 2 you all! Hope you like this too!!
charlemane Painting, Oil
afternoon peace Vicky from Taiwan FXM shared her afternoon peace.
Tags: peace
Cindea Drawing, Pencil-crayon