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Collections (2)

Thumbnail Title Description
GIN of the Americas 2012 Film Festival Explore this amazing collection of videos submitted from schools across the Americas for the 2012 Global Issues Network Conference at Graded School in October 2012!
Native American [includes all indigenous from around the world] An art exhibit of my indigenous inspirations.

Submissions (50)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
America This photograph was taken on our way to Yellowstone national park summer 2004.
evamoon Photography, Black and White
America a Nation of Immigrants The heart of an Immigrant will always stand together to fight to be free!
NicoleAlex Collage
American flag Artist(s): Vardo Stevens Organization: S.T.R.A.W. Inc. Center for Young Women
ayv Photography, Colour
American Indian Angel
clarita Computer Graphics
Chinese-American Through the lens of an everyday event---eating spaghetti---this work captures the unique experiences of my immigrant family. While the younger generation often assimilates, the older generation clings to its history and heritage, creating a clash of cultural identities.
Tags: culture, family, heritage, identity, chopsticks, food, spaghetti, fork, home, dad, son, dinner
GraceJin Painting, Oil
Chinese-American Through the lens of an everyday event---eating spaghetti---this work captures the unique experiences of my immigrant family. While the younger generation often assimilates, the older generation clings to its history and heritage, creating a clash of cultural identities.
Tags: culture, family, heritage, identity, chopsticks, food, spaghetti, fork, home, dad, son, dinner
GraceJin Painting, Oil
Clinton Years, American Dream Reversed The Clinton Years, The American Dream Reversed artwork by Ray Tapajna, is about a time when millions were losing their jobs while President Clinton proclaimed prosperity. Later Hurricane Katrina exposed a silent depression residing in the USA in places like New Orleans. It it time to revisit the Land of "is" and see what it will be like if...
tapsearcher Mixed Media
Consequences of the American Dream This piece was created by Asociacion CONEXION al Desarrollo de El Salvador as part of their AYV program
ayv Mixed Media
God Bless 1950's America
kklass Painting, Acrylic
God Bless America This is an original acrylic on canvas painting, 4 X 5 feet, that I created shortly after 9-11-01. Sitting in my studio, devasted by recent events, I could scarcely lift my brush. The only way I could purge myself of thinking of the evil that visited the U.S. on that day was to create my own memorial to the fallen.
ingepat Painting, Acrylic