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Submissions (41)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Trading goods / Échanger des marchandises Fresh watermelons are sold widely throughout Kandahar province. Through a number of projects, Canada encourages the cultivation of alternative crops to poppies. -- On vend des melons d’eau dans toute la province du Kandahar. Dans le cadre de plusieurs projets, le Canada encourage la culture de plantes autres que le pavot.
mfurdyk Photography, Colour
Planet in Danger The inspiration behind this work is climate change and its effects on our planet.
Tags: environment, forest, extreme weather, rising temperatures
JEJD-MAT Drawing, Pencil
Animals in Danger The turtle trapped in the net shows the reality of many animal species due to chemicals, oil and waste in the water. Ocean pollution leads to the mass extinction of many species.
Tags: ocean, pollution, Animals in Danger
JEJD-MAT Collage
Protect Endangered Animals #Decarbonize Canadian Youth Climate Summit
tgodwald Mixed Media
A Polluted World - Just a Memory of our Future I painted this the night of August 19th, 2009 after reflecting deeply about what our earth could look like in 50 years from now if humans do not act immediately and with urgence to preserve the precious environment. This painting depicts a very toxic, polluted world that I envision if the human race fails to act to successfully combat ever more...
Tags: environment, pollution, climate change, global warming, polluted, green, eco, smokestacks, catastrophe, life, memory, future, prevent, ugly, dead, fish, toxic, toxins, poisonous, painting, acrylic, anger, landscape, sludge
AndrewCanada Painting, Acrylic
HOPE + ANGER IS ALL WE GOT. As a black person living in American I have so much fear. I have fear for myself and the people that look like me. In addition to the fear, I am very angry. At times, these feelings can motivate me to be active in my community to make a change. However, I have to admit that I feel hopeless. What does it say about our society that the police can...
Moonahmay Markers
Planet in Danger This drawing wants to warn against the planet's pollution caused by some of our daily activities and habits.
Tags: ocean, pollution, rising temperatures
JEJD-MAT Drawing, Pencil
Danger in the Forest This project wants to show the importance of protecting our forests by cleaning them and treating them with the respect they need. Every year in Portugal there are hundreds of forest fires and consequently loss of animals and sometimes, even loss of human lives.
Tags: environment, forest, fire, extreme weather, rising temperatures
JEJD-MAT Drawing, Pencil
Coat Hanger
colaquist Print
African Anger I would like to know what you think it means.
thelastjoe Painting, Watercolour