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Collections (3)

Thumbnail Title Description
Animals, Pets and Nature In an island we are living there will always be animals around to accompany us to share the nature and make it more meaningful. Loving nature and loving animals especially my pets has been a trademark.
Animals All these animals represent species in danger of existincion in my country, we must prevent that it happens.

Submissions (115)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Save animals. We should save animals. Animals are our friends.
Xilola Painting
Hybrid Fishphant Hybrid Fishphant is a hybrid animal that is a combination of various other animals. It represents a hybrid global culture comprising of various elements of local customs, cultures, morals, and ethics. I look at the Hybrid Fishphant as representing a new global hybrid culture rooted and created on the basis of diverse and converging local...
Tags: animal, hybrid, fishphant, elephant, culture, hybrid culture, global, local, globalization, glocal
shenyll Mixed Media
The Animals of the Earth This art was created by a second grader at Bullis Charter School in California, USA.
clarissachen Painting, Watercolour
St Jude School - Animals Lets protect the planet for the others that where here before us
Tags: jungle, green, nature, ecological, recycle, protect, animals, pollution, colonization
JuanCrbone Painting
Save animals. Save humanity. To survive today, other animals must endure global warming, pollution and fewer habitats. More tragically, they must endure the silence of human hearts.
Tags: white, animals, sun, water, bear, penguin, ocean, save
hakob_kojoyan Mixed Media
Save the Animals The purpose of this drawing is to show the importance of saving endangered animals. Forest fires, for example, are one of the consequences of extreme weather and rising temperatures. Every year there are hundreds of forest fires in Portugal.
Tags: environment, forest, extreme weather, rising temperatures
JEJD-MAT Drawing, Pencil
Animals in Danger The turtle trapped in the net shows the reality of many animal species due to chemicals, oil and waste in the water. Ocean pollution leads to the mass extinction of many species.
Tags: ocean, pollution, Animals in Danger
JEJD-MAT Collage
Save the Ocean Animals The artwork shows the importance of saving ocean animals from pollution.
JEJD-MAT Collage
Protect Endangered Animals #Decarbonize Canadian Youth Climate Summit
tgodwald Mixed Media
Open Your Eyes Everyone on this planet has the right to a clean, healthy, beautiful home to live in. Everyone has the right for this home to exist for their children, their grandchildren, and future generations to come. Every human has a right to be able to see all the diverse species of animals and plants living on Earth. Therefore, I believe the most...
Tags: frog, reptile, tiger, owl, environment, planet, green, animal, human
Qc Drawing, Pencil-crayon