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Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
S.O.S for The for life, from the School of Early Childhood Education. Marta Abreu University of Las Villas in Cuba is aimed at recognizing the orientation work of the new generation in teacher training. The collection expresses he artistic work of the students for the protection of the oceans, the mitigation of climate change and the work for...
The S.O.S. for life, from the School of Early Childhood Education. Marta Abreu University of Las Villas in Cuba is aimed at recognizing the orientation work of the new generation in teacher training.
The collection expresses the artistic work of the students for the protection of the oceans, the mitigation of climate change and the work for...
Colors, forms, figures - Fine art graphics and visual communication:
"I am one of those people who devote a great deal of time to analysing themselves in the context of their surroundings. Many of my feelings, impressions and thoughts find expression in my artistic work. They come to light, so to speak, through form and color."
This piece is all about the media pressure forced upon women in everyday life. The suffocating Gender Roles which are still so stringent in our Media thirsty society.
But most of all it is about my personal rebellion against having to conform to such old fashioned and materialistic ideals.
S'higschool related. I made this at the end of first semester as a 9'er... I was really bored in geography and that boredom was extended through english till the end of the day. There'a a lot of 'hidden messages' in this piece. And it's interesting hearing other teen's my age and their interpretations. But automatically think it's wierd and that...
palms serial # Betle Nut Painting
45 cm X 65 cm
painting hard nut on paper
material : lime, areca nut , betel
Lanjar Jiwo
paint, artist, indonesia, lanjar jiwo