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Submissions (46)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Aso Rock A Panoramic view of the Aso Rock, the monumental and ominipresence landmark in the city of Abuja, the place where the heart of government of Nigeria reside and the pride of Gwari people of Nigeria is where the National Assembly is, the Executive State house could not be far but built inside here and also the Supreme court of Nigeria, the apex...
ekwuruke 3D Graphics
TOPE1 Computer Graphics
Five Reasons Why You Should Care About Climate Change Caring about climate change is the only way to make an impact.
Tags: climate change
sabatino Computer Graphics
Asokan A grade 9 art project. Draw the real and surreal version of the same subject (here, that subject would be my younger brother, Asokan).
Mera Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Donohue20 Ink, Pen
Untitled (A tree on the planet has 4 seasons.) Paper cutout. (Black origami paper and scissors).
kenjiwissen Mixed Media
Canadian Seasons Created by students age 11 years old at Royal Vale School in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
PTPIGYM Painting
Seasonal Variations The Painting Drawn by Class 8th Girls where the comparison of the season has showed, Describing the the nature is giving a clue to the human of the earth that they should change their destine
Tags: seasons
ismailswati Painting
Ayasofya-İstanbul reprodüksiyon..80x90 cm yağlıboya tablo
benbay Painting, Oil
Questionable Reason One man's trash, is another woman's treasure- captured.
Alycia Photography, Black and White