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Collections (5)

Thumbnail Title Description
Blue Trees
blue shoos of mum as long as i remember mum never forgot her blue shoos, now mum is long gone , and last night i have been dreaming about them
blue shoos of mum
blue shoos of mum

Submissions (131)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Bluetopia Mark II. Original Size: 1024 x 768.<br /><br /><br /> Medium: Terragen & Paint Shop Pro 7 vs. Universe v1.63.<br /><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /> Meaning: I wanted to rejuvenate this piece, and in so doing, I think I added glow and perspective to the water that, though not directly featured in this work, is such a vital part of the image. I wanted to...
Predattack 3D Graphics
run, little blue leopard It was made with the light soft clay, the student design wings for leopard, She wanted to encourage her classmates to run very fast like leopard in the Sport Day. Run and fly… : )
houli 3D Graphics
Ossa Cartoons
ronette Collage
Green & Blue Green and Blue the origin of life...
awaqeel Collage
Blue Hawaii Simply just a reference to pop culture in the US (Elvis in relation to local).
Glenny Collage
Blue whale, Warm climate This is a student's artwork about environmental pollution with human waste entering the ocean and leading to global climate change.
Tags: Decarbonize, climate changes, ocean, plastic, pollution
sjflynn Collage
Blue Print Graphics Art
GlassAngel Computer Graphics
Pink and Blue Will the parallels intersect in the infinite ?
diogo Computer Graphics
Blue Star Flag It's a computer graphics piece I did using three basic colors blue, black and white.
spartan21 Computer Graphics