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Collections (4)

Thumbnail Title Description
Brazil - Beautiful People During an eye opening trip into the magic of Rio de Janeiro, into the favelas and into the mind set of local Brazilians.
Youth Voices - Brazil - Climate Change
Youth Voices- Brazil - Culture & Identity

Submissions (13)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
BRAZILLIAN CARNIVAL QUEEN Beautiful portrait of Brazillian Carnival Queen w/all skintones of Brazil. Thousands of tiny marks pattern to make this extraordinary piece. Contact artist at
3delilahs Painting, Acrylic
Sustainable Energy We need more sustainable energy, to think about our future and help with small and large actions. The future depends on our actions.
Tags: environment, sustainability, energy, meio ambiente, brazil
AndressaAlves Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Brazilian Angel [Angel de Paz] Brazilian Angel of Peace.
clarita Computer Graphics
Brazilian puppet/Consuelo Milagrosa I am Consuelo Milagrosa from Brazil. I love to dance. You can visit me on my space. My url is: MySpace URL:
clarita Sculpture
Sunset in the heart of Brazil This picture was taken at an artificial lake right in the heart of Brazil.
diogo Photography, Colour
Brazilian night Original painting, acrylic colors, dimensions 80x100cm - 2003 in the unique style of Erato
erato Painting, Acrylic
We still have the power to choose in which side we want to live! If we do the right thing we can save our planet and live symmetrically with nature.
Tags: brazil, brasília, Tupi Guarani, ClimateChanging, airpollution, droughts, floods, saveourplanet
ingrid2209 Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Saving nature, Saving lives A student´s watercolor work that depicts the connection of indigenous people and Earth.
Tags: brazil, Taguatinga, indigenous people, deforestation
IsabelTeixeira Painting, Watercolour
Jesus' back photo of the back side of the 'Cristo Redentor'
Tags: seven wonders, rio, brazil, culture
ivanbigas Photography, Black and White
Salvador Rooftops Rooftops in Salvador, Brazil
Tags: salvador, brazil
mfurdyk Photography, Colour