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Submissions (90)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
World Friendship Bridge One of the biggest problems in the world right now as described by the iEARN 2010 youth is racial intolerance. This one problem is the root that branches out to become many of the other problems that ravage our world: war and poverty. Only through education and learning of one another’s culture can we bridge the gaps between our peoples. That is...
Tags: multiculturalism, diversity, unity, peace, world, bridge, globalization
Araf Painting, Watercolour
Катерок (100х70) Boat Масло, холст, живопись, катер, река, мост, современное искусство, /Oil on canvas, painting, boat, river, bridge, modern art, contemporary art
Tags: масло, холст, живопись, катер, река, мост, /oil on canvas, painting, boat, river, bridge, modern art, contemporary art
baltina Painting, Oil
Bridge Supports 'One in a series of Black & White, travel photographs.' A.G.S.
amity Photography, Black and White
The Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol, England The Clifton Suspension is over 150 years old and crosses the Avon Gorge in Bristol. This photo was taken at dusk looking west towards Somerset in Autumn 2001.
shaunnixonuk Photography, Colour
Border Woman on Bridge
kwessy Photography, Black and White
Stressed ribbon bridge This bridge represents the place where I was born. It serves as a road bridge and is located in La Barra de Maldonado (Uruguay). The work is a creation of Lionel Viera. It was built in 1965, after two previous bridges: the first wooden and a second made of cement and both were destroyed by the sea. People love crossing this bridge all the time....
silvi17 Photography, Colour
Technology - a bridge This piece of art is a symbol of technology bridging the gap between "first world" and "third world" countries. Thus allowing oppurtunites for an adolescent of the Bahamas like me to experience other parts of the world from my home and my country. I used a collage because it allowed me to incorporate all of my ideas coherently and substantiate...
antnic Collage
Let's build bridges and not walls... I'm your sister,your mother even maybe your daughter..I'm a human like you,regardless the way i look,my colour,my religion or my language...I'm that one you're separating by that wall you built.... Why don't we forget about our cultural differencies and break that wall between us.... Let's build a bridge between our cultures,between our...
yarinos Cartoons
Enterprise E Bridge Sketch + Colour. work in progress, going to do a large more shaper image later.
Chevron8 Drawing, Pencil
Ironbridge2 A magical rendition od the irondbride
JimHarris Painting, Acrylic