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Submissions (66)

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Replication of E. Burnes-Jones Work Angel. Acrlic on Canvas.
burning columbus i took this picture of my friend on thanksgiving. in the fire is one of the first "treaties" from the monarchy in spain which declaired first nations people unhuman and worthy of exploitation. instead of celebrating thanksgiving and colonialism we burned it, hoping for justice in the future.
Photography, Colour
BURN Let it burn SIZE: 100 x 30 x 3cm
abiliciouz Painting, Acrylic
Burning Ghat This is where dead bodies are cremated. Cremation at this place is believed to liberate the soul from rebirth.
ajay78 Photography, Colour
Let us stop charcoal burning Artist(s): Tonny Mwanzia Organization: Arid Lands Information Network Description: Charcoal burning is rampant in most parts of Mutomo District, Kitui County in Eastern Kenya. As a result there has been massive deforestation that has led to poor rainfall patterns due to climate change.This has also led to high poverty levels.This photo is a...
ayv Photography, Colour
Дружно тлеющие Unanimously glowing Костёр приносит ощущение тепла и гармонии! Дружно тлеющие... Bonfire brings a feeling of warmth and harmony! Unanimously glowing ...
Tags: костёр, огонь, тепло, искры, пламя, дерево, гореть, тлеть, угли, fire, heat, sparks, flames, wood, burn, smolder, the coals
baltina Photography, Colour
У весеннего костра In the spring fire Костёр приносит ощущение тепла и гармонии! Bonfire brings a feeling of warmth and harmony!
Tags: костёр, огонь, тепло, искры, пламя, дерево, гореть, тлеть, угли, fire, heat, sparks, flames, wood, burn, smolder, the coals
baltina Photography, Colour
Сердце костра Heart of bonfire Горячее сердце костра горит, светит и греет людей, как человек, который идёт по пути эволюции к Свету! Heart fire, shines and warms people, as man who follows the path of evolution to the Light!
Tags: костёр, огонь, тепло, искры, пламя, дерево, гореть, тлеть, угли, fire, heat, sparks, flames, wood, burn, smolder, the coals
baltina Photography, Colour
Ленивый Lazy Костёр приносит ощущение тепла и гармонии! Bonfire brings a feeling of warmth and harmony!
Tags: костёр, огонь, тепло, искры, пламя, дерево, гореть, тлеть, угли, fire, fire, heat, sparks, flames, wood, burn, smolder, the coals
baltina Photography, Colour
Затерянный в песках Lost in the sands Костёр приносит ощущение тепла и гармонии! Bonfire brings a feeling of warmth and harmony!
Tags: костёр, огонь, тепло, искры, пламя, дерево, гореть, тлеть, угли, fire, fire, heat, sparks, flames, wood, burn, smolder, the coals
baltina Photography, Colour