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Collections (9)

Thumbnail Title Description
Toronto, Canada
My Canada My mask represents Canada through the meanings behind the words written on the mask. the feathers on the mask represents the origins of Canada that incorporates the aboriginal culture. the rope symbolizes the constricted rights of the aboriginal and their hardship. peace love are values that every Canadian shares. Canada is known as a peace...
Life in Canada
Canada World Youth Learning Forum October 2010, Montreal, QC TIG attended the Canada World Youth Forum and we had a great and enriching experience! Youth from around the world congregated to discuss how organizations serving youth could better integrate and include youth. This included identifying barriers and creating solutions to access to resources, bridging the gap between youth and engagement, and...
Rainforests of British Colombia, Canada
Indigenous Canada These submissions will be featured on the Indigenous Canada portal. Artwork can illustrate: -Life on a First Nations Community -Ideas on the Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge and/or Culture -Sharing Mythology—retelling a native myth from your nation -Language –sharing the meaning of a word from your native language -A...
Youth Voices - Canada - Climate Change
Youth Voices - Canada - Culture & Identity
Canada World Youth I participated in a Canada World Youth cultural exchange program in 2002-2003. With this project, and attaining school in International Development, I got the chance to meet some really wonderful people. Thank you Camrose, Alberta and Sri Lanka.

Submissions (127)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Canada's Disappearing Water Supply The photos I have chosen to showcase in my collage, taken by Marcel Finnigan, represent the beautiful place I call home, the Canadian Rocky Mountains. What saddens me most when I reflect upon these photos is how often I take for granted the water I receive from the Rockies. The glaciers here are diminishing at a faster rate than in the past due...
dancing_ninja1 Collage
Landscape of Canada
elena Computer Graphics
Merry Christwar Canadian Conservative PM Stephen Harper and defense minister Peter MacKay are featured as Victorian heads of industry from Dickens' A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Canada was involved in torture in Afghanistan. The economy and the war machine keep rolling on Tar Sands oil.
Tags: canada, torture, tar sands, economy, war
Tigana Computer Graphics
Canada's Respect No Description
Tags: Canada150
LuckyLuc14 Computer Graphics
Rocky Canada My artwork is supposed to be the Rocky Mountains. I drew the mountains because every year around September/October my sister, mom, grandma and I go to Japer National Park, also because the Rocky's are well known throughout Canada. We travel to the mountains because we take a break from boys and the city craziness. Stars over the mountain are the...
Tags: jasper, trees, park, mountains, canada, nunavut, alberta
PyariA Drawing, Crayon
Maryam Ashrafi's Wish for Canada "I wish Canada stays in harmony forever, and the First Nations move out of reserves, into the land they desire forever. I wish Canada lets people come to live here without any aggression or hatred."
SamButt Drawing, Crayon
Canadian Identity We see what canadian identity is today. Canadian has given so many people "hope, education, clean water and heals". Canada is a multicultural country, working together, helping one to another. canada is like a mother whose protected their children and wipes their tears. For example in my life, I never dream about canada helps my family and...
Tags: canada
TheisoT Drawing, Pastel
Hearts for Haiti We are working together with our friends in Haiti.
Tags: fieldcrest, haiti, canada
mackenzie-w Drawing, Pencil
Wish150 Canada My Wish for Canada for the next 150 Years. WISH150 Contest
Tags: Peter luziga
kdubitz Drawing, Pencil
Differences Between Education in Africa and Canada
Mixed Media