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Submissions (29)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
It is our Time The skull represents the change and death society has done against our earth. There is a clear representation between the candle burning, implying time is running out, and the skull being all that is left after the death of earth. The hand shows how we society, control the fate of our own world. It is our turn to make change.
Tags: skull, death, earth, change, candle, hope
rhart127 Computer Graphics
Toaster and Candle While drawing this I was learning a bit more about light and shadow.
jenergy Drawing, Pencil
candles for peace Digital art work-
shakeh Mixed Media
Winter Candle Lighted Candle standing near <br /> the frozen window... <br /> Symbol of a Jew knocking on the <br /> world. . <br /> Light of Faith. <br /> Light of...
Igor Painting, Oil
Girl, candle and flower.
mirboy Painting, Oil
jenergy Photography, Black and White
Metal Candle This is a photo of a candle that I took at the Green Room Cafe in Toronto, Ontario. At night they put candles on all of the tables, and this one was reflecting on the metal bar, so I turned up the exposure setting and let'er rip :)
derekmartin Photography, Colour
candle & cranberry vodka candle & cranberry vodka
Konrad Photography, Colour
Light up your candle Young people!! Its time for us to take up challenges in life as we light our candles to help and save our beautiful world. Joel :)
jalbert Photography, Colour
Candle This picture is about a candle that represents survival.
Tags: youngo, vigil, ngo, klimaforum09, iycmpro, iycm, denmark, copenhagen, cop15, youthclimatepro
yangkiimade Photography, Colour