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Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
My defining moment occurred a few years ago when I experienced a difficult time in my life. The mental and physical tolls were almost overwhelming and I nearly gave up my university education in Arts Education. When I felt nothing else helped, I turned to find solace in nature and I embraced a new focus on personal wellness. Being outdoors...
yoga, wellness, blue, exercise, body, mind, calm, stretch, focus, meditation, zen, natural beauty, clean, air, water, land
My defining moment occurred a few years ago when I experienced a difficult time in my life. The mental and physical tolls were almost overwhelming and I nearly gave up my university education in Arts Education. When I felt nothing else helped, I turned to find solace in nature and I embraced a new focus on personal wellness. Being outdoors...
yoga, wellness, blue, exercise, body, mind, calm, stretch, focus, meditation, zen, natural beauty, clean, air, water, land
Art by Patel Vidit Rameshbhai, belonging to scheduled tribe Dhodia, Gujarat. School: Kharel Education Society Navasari , Gujrat supported by Larsen Toubro Public Charitable Trust.
Description: India has embraced the cleanliness drive Swachh Bharat, an attempt to instil hygiene and cleanliness among the diverse population of the country....
india, gujarat, Dhodia Indigenous tribe, Kharel, Navasari, global warming, climate change
Safura Sayyad of Grade 8, Jaihind Public School, Udgir, Maharashtra, India, sharing her thoughts about the benefits of keeping the surrounding the country clean and following in the footsteps of the Father of the Nation.
#cleanindia, #cleanwater
Safura Sayyad of grade 8, Jaihind Public School, Udgir, Maharashtra, India, shares her opinion about the national agenda of India which talks about Clean India and teaching and learning about Cleanliness
#3Rs, #Recycle, #saveenvironment, #cleanindia, #greenindia