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Submissions (5)

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Uzbek Clothing This is a piece of national clothing that is for Uzbek woman which is usually worn on various holidays and celebrations.
ShHamidova Photography, Colour
Unemployment (Women's clothing) Unemployment in Afghanistan is around 35%, according to the government. To help the most vulnerable in the country get back on their feet, aid organizations are providing skills training and small business start-up programmes, like this co-operative which makes women's clothing in the eastern city of Jalalabad. What do you do thin long more...
enayatyama Photography, Colour Call To Action It is not often that we get the chance to help so many people with just one kind action, but we would like to introduce you to a dedicated group of people who are providing those actions everyday to over 13 million children around the world - Africa Aids Fund, Inc. a 501c3 non-profit organization based in the United States. With its driving...
Tags: hao, final, new, song, 3, aids, orphans, charity, donate, clothing, kids, need
HAO2212 Mixed Media
Right to Food And Clothing MuBariz K Age 11
Tags: National Child Day Art, Childrens Rights
carolinefair Painting, Watercolour