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Submissions (23)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Decomposition To be called generation zero, the generation of no productivity, being labeled as the ‘dumbest generation’…this is what we’ve been called despite our technological advances to make humans more productive and live longer. Looking back, I’ve come to realize the truth in these labels; despite all that can potentially be achieved; we have become a...
Tags: colour, decomposition, uhs art
lanachan Painting, Acrylic
Composition Gouach Use of gouache and texture adding more line in details. i use freehand no floor texture or anything
heckno Painting, Acrylic
composition Digital graphic (palette graphique) by CH. P ® - composition numerique - portrait celebre coupe du monde de foot-ball 2006
Artvif Computer Graphics
composition 57 acrylic on canvas 150/150
bilalchrif Painting, Acrylic
composition 56 acrylic on canvas 150/150
bilalchrif Painting, Acrylic
composition 58 Mixte on canvas 150/150
bilalchrif Mixed Media
Composition 90 Acrylic on canvas 70/70 cm
bilalchrif Mixed Media
composition 97 mixte on canvas 130/130
bilalchrif Mixed Media
composition 98 acrylic on canvas 100/100
bilalchrif Painting, Acrylic
composition 93 acrylic on canvas 120/120
bilalchrif Painting, Acrylic