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Submissions (7)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Peace is Cool "Peace" is a simple word, but with a strong meaning and It becomes more powerfull in youth's vocabulary and a hope for being so "Cool". Remember "PAZ" in spanish means "PEACE" the same meaning to whichever your language is. I drew it with "Paint Software" on 30/06/02. The original is a bmp archive with a size of 377 X 537.
Latin Cartoons
Cool shadow of Information & Communication Technology Information & Communication Technology is just like this Oak tree that provides forage for cattle, fiber for tribes, fertilizer for farmers, fuel for country people, medicine for ill people and water and fresh air for everybody likewise ICT has something for everyone in the information society.
farhadali Painting, Oil
Cool Our Burning Land "Our world is burning." This is reality figuratively and literally. I always see campaigns and projects so to have remedy for this worldwide calamity but I see no progress. I want to share my feelings to everyone through this piece of artwork.
lordgen Computer Graphics
Digital Wave Digital illustration 176,4 x 129,8 cm July 2012
Tags: cool
NAKATA Computer Graphics
The Rocks of Maui This was at beach where they had a reserved area for sea turtles.
Tags: hawaii, maui, beach, water, rocks, ocean, panoramic, cool, sky, sunny, earth, waves
sophallyssa Photography, Colour
Maui Coast This was a picture of the ocean taken on the side of a highway in Maui. It's all so clean and beautiful!
Tags: hawaii, maui, beach, water, rocks, ocean, panoramic, cool, sky, sunny, earth, highway, whales, clouds, blue, island
sophallyssa Photography, Colour
Word Design-Cool It's clay work about Word Design.
Sabrina712 Mixed Media