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Submissions (11)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
arts and craft
LawrenceBruce Photography, Colour
arts and craft
LawrenceBruce Photography, Colour
arts and craft .
LawrenceBruce Photography, Colour
arts and crafts building our park
LawrenceBruce Photography, Colour
CRAFT LOCAL THE FREAK ART MAMONOV Haeg will be hosting and conducting the following programs as part of his Sundown Schoolhouse course offerings for 2007: For Spring 2007, the theme is “Planet of the Humans." For Fall 2007, the theme is “People to People." Information on the course offerings appears on Fritz Haeg s website. “Let architects sing of aesthetics that...
JURI Photography, Colour
Crafting away TIG Office Shoot
JulieGao Photography, Colour
Hands, fingers and handicrafts / Des mains et des doigts pour l’artisanat This woman sews for a living. Here, she stitches a garment that she can later sell. Canada provides loans to entrepreneurs to strengthen productivity and economic output. -- Cette femme vit de la couture. Ici, elle coud un vêtement qu’elle pourra ensuite vendre. Le Canada accorde des prêts à des entrepreneurs pour accroître la productivité et le...
mfurdyk Photography, Colour
Sang Round House Sang Round House by a Design-Build Team of Nico Smith, Humphrey Lloyd and George Bell from Wales, UK LEARN-BY-DOING IN AFRICAN ARCHITECTURE (Watch it on youtube: CONTACT: with date you are applying
Tags: ashanti, sang arts village, abetenim, arts & culture, environment, green building, volunteer, community service, eco travel, land art, education, arts missions, research, africa, community development, construction, ghana, social engagement, ecological building, eco farming, alternative energies, environmental education, recycling, tourism, children and youth work, networking, craft, cartography, excursions, social welfare, social work, environmental actions, project management
nkafoundation Sculpture
Sohril Tribe lady The statue depicts a woman from the Sohril Tribe in Gambia. It was made in 2011 with mahogany wood.
Tags: art, artwork, statue, craft, oeuvre, objet, object, afrique, africa, femme, tribu, woman, tribe, sohril, gambia, gambie, 2011, bois, wood, acajou, mahogany, lady, africancrafts
kml29 Sculpture
Uzbek handicrafts This is Uzbek handicrafts
ShHamidova Photography, Colour