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Collections (15)

Thumbnail Title Description
Love for Culture This set is about showcasing the unique cultures of people in the world.
the musical culture music and culture is the only way to preserve peace and love..........
Global Youth Culture Contest Panorama and Global Gallery Contest Do you feel part of an emerging global youth culture? If so, how is it affecting you and others in your community, country and region? What factors influence your sense of identity and belonging? How has technology and new media shaped your understanding of global culture? In what ways do you promote...
Youth Voices on Culture & Identity TakingITGlobal recently partnered with Adobe on the Youth Voices Project , which included running workshops in ten different countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Mali, Kenya, Russia, South Africa, and Sweden. During these workshops youth discussed and created images focused on Culture & Identity. These are the unique...
Promoting a Culture of Peace Inspired by the terrorist attacks of September 11th, "Promoting A Culture of Peace" was the second contest opportunity for TakingITGlobal members. This project received poetry, digital, and visual art submissions from various countries around the world including Australia, Canada, India, Sierra Leone, Spain and the United States....
Youth Voices- Brazil - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - China - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Argentina - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Egypt - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Canada - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Sweden - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Mali - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - South Africa - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Kenya - Culture & Identity
Youth Voices - Russia - Culture & Identity

Submissions (146)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
World Culture The way I would bring peace is that I would travel the world and make friends with everyone I meet in different countries. This would bring people closer together no matter how they look or what their lifestyles are like. This would also be a good opportunity to learn about other cultures. If people could just look inside other people,...
Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Alien Culture
Mixed Media
"Food Sustainability and its links between climate change & agriculture" Sustainable food isn’t only about the food itself. It’s a combination of factors including how the food is produced, how it’s distributed, how it’s packaged and how it’s consumed. Therefore, it aims to avoid damaging or wasting natural resources. In this artwork, it shows how food sustainability conditions our agriculture and climate. My artwork...
Tags: climate change, food sustainability, agriculture, mother earth, art
1zy_cntlp Drawing, Pencil-crayon
a moment of race this painting capture a moment from culture in which cemals can be seen racing towards the finsh line which consedered to be the matter of bright in our culture and i tried to capture this moment in my painting.
Tags: culture
a7med1987 Drawing, Pastel
the inspiration using islamic pattern in artistec way to create a pice of art...
Tags: culture
a7med1987 Drawing, Pastel
Libyan Culture This is a Libyan Dance called Kishk !
AAO Painting
Galerie: Spiritual pen From my galeries AMA DESIGNS.
Tags: mauritania, culture, art, ama
abdallahimaur Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Galerie: Palme qui dessine une patrie From my galeries AMA DESIGNS.
Tags: art, mauritania, ama, culture
abdallahimaur Drawing, Pencil-crayon
AMA, Marmara Sea, Istanbul AMA EXPO
Tags: culture, photography
abdallahimaur Photography, Colour
AMA, Marmara Sea, Istanbul AMA EXPO
Tags: travel, culture, istanbul, nature
abdallahimaur Photography, Colour