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Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
This photo made me feel like someone was watching me, it looks ominous and disturbing. This particular alley was located just off of Lakeshore Blvd, near 9th street. The colour of the photo is slightly off because we had bad developer at the lab that day. :-(
In May, 2009;The people of Gbaramatu kingdom woke up in the wee hours of the morning to military invasion of their peaceful fishing settlements and villages,leaving innocent men,women and children including these ones captured in this painting displaced and orphaned without hope of survival.To those that survived it became the darkest day of...
: It is known that capitalism runs by invisible hands. It has dawned on me that unmanaged industrialization is similar to the invisible hand, slowly taking over our health and well being. All the beautiful things and living creatures we now take for granted may be taken away if we do not act now.
earth, industrialism
I am being creative in quarantine by taking pictures with my new camera. I saw planes were passing in front of the moon. I really wanted a photo of a plane inside the moon. I must have taken a hundred photos trying to get the right one. I’m still trying.
Dr. Martin Luther King once said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that." I took this picture when I was in Israel, in The City of David's underground water tunnels. The City of David is located right beside East Jerusalem, and we spent the whole time exploring with an armed body guard. It was pretty scarey thinking that...
During a rehearsals in Lima... I shoted It in 2001... Nowadays when I see It I remind my pal like a shadow in the darkness... Good memories and a lot of nostalgia involves that great moment of our best days... Originally jumbo size. I used a Canon 505 camera.