Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
Explore our free educational programs and capacity-building resources that help educators foster deep learning competencies through real-world problem solving.
The Kandahar Through Afghan Eyes 2010 exhibit is a series of 30 photographs accompanied by a poem or narrative created by 15 students selected from schools throughout Kandahar City. The exhibit is on display in schools, public institutions and community centres across Canada. Supported by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),...
Do you remember instances when spoken words failed to capture the complexity of your feelings and experiences? Sometimes silent images can say more than words through the profound and versatile language of art. The new art contest, Russia Through the Eyes of Youth, is a great opportunity to show many young people around the world how you, as...
i made this in photoshop software , with just smudging,
I started this with no intention to make any thing, at the end , i Relized that it is some ones eyes looking at me, SO I SAVED THAT PICTURE , as EYES ,,, :)
One of my first attempts with pencil.. which is not a long time ago. I found the reference picture at a McGill Site. here it is:
My name is Christy Groves and I am an 18 year old resident from Forteau, Labrador, Canada. My artwork depicts a homeless man, looking up at a passerby with helpless eyes. I used mixed media to create a collage surrounding this image from newspaper clippings, printed text, charcoal, paint, and leds, that represent the homeless mans thoughts. My...
homeless, poverty
Everyone on this planet has the right to a clean, healthy, beautiful home to live in. Everyone has the right for this home to exist for their children, their grandchildren, and future generations to come. Every human has a right to be able to see all the diverse species of animals and plants living on Earth. Therefore, I believe the most...
frog, reptile, tiger, owl, environment, planet, green, animal, human