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Collections (6)

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Historic Tornado Hit NYC Fall 2010
Fall 2003 Artwork I created in a 2nd year figurative painting class at York Univerisity. No previous experience using acryllic paint or painting on canvas.
Fall 2000 Artwork created during OAC Art Class (Fall 2000 semester)

Submissions (77)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
"fallen birch" So much behind this piece of art... its very big actually, the dimesions are maybe three and a half feet in width and four and a half in height. I almost tore this in half when i first finished it but decided i needed some proof of work for my art class. When my teacher put it up on the classroom wall i told him that it made me want to die...
allisonkg Drawing, Pastel
Aboriginal Art - Merten Falls - Kimberley, Western Australia These Aboriginal rock paintings, located at Merten Falls on the Mitchell Plateau of the Kimberley Region in Western Australia, are up to 15,000 years old.
jmotbey Photography, Colour
Aboriginal Art - Merten Falls - Kimberley, Western Australia These Aboriginal rock paintings, located at Merten Falls on the Mitchell Plateau of the Kimberley Region in Western Australia, are up to 15,000 years old.
jmotbey Photography, Colour
Antarctica is falling Global warming has really affected OUR planet. Because of the carbon dioxide polluting the air, it has affected the climate in the arctic. Antarctica is supposed to be cold, home to various creatures. Now it starts to warm up and break apart.
globalgallery Painting
Autumn Fire Canada's best season is the Fall, it delivers the most gorgeous flaming colours. Hidden gems like these make me proud and thankful to be Canadian. We are a country in which we get to experience all four seasons with beautiful discoveries secluded all over. Taken in Gatineau Park, QC.
Tags: autumn, fall, flame
ShaunaMuldoon Photography, Colour
Colourfall An onslaught of colour
JimHarris Painting, Watercolour
Digital Manipulation -- Horseshoe Falls, Niagara Canada 'Niagara Falls, Canada at sundown. Exploration of digitally converging dry brush and photography together.' -VL
lavittoria Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Edge of the Falls The edge of Niagara Falls. Almost like the edge of the world...
beeboh Photography, Colour
Jewelee Drawing, Pastel
Fall The statue of a small Indian girl with a big autumn leaf on her head is taken in Sedona, AZ.
Zo Photography, Black and White