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Submissions (6)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
FOCUS Everyone has aim and mission To excel at every moment Has one not planned for these? It is sure that One has something in mind before setting up It is usually good One's focus is important If one loses it Efforts and times have been wasted Tme will take seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years Life is cunny and funny Care...
TOPE1 3D Graphics
focus The look on this guys face says it all. Pure focus. Thats what artists share, the ability to focus.
ez Drawing, Pencil
yaelhelen Painting, Acrylic
Calm My defining moment occurred a few years ago when I experienced a difficult time in my life. The mental and physical tolls were almost overwhelming and I nearly gave up my university education in Arts Education. When I felt nothing else helped, I turned to find solace in nature and I embraced a new focus on personal wellness. Being outdoors...
Tags: yoga, wellness, blue, exercise, body, mind, calm, stretch, focus, meditation, zen, natural beauty, clean, air, water, land
durellstudio Painting, Acrylic
Calm My defining moment occurred a few years ago when I experienced a difficult time in my life. The mental and physical tolls were almost overwhelming and I nearly gave up my university education in Arts Education. When I felt nothing else helped, I turned to find solace in nature and I embraced a new focus on personal wellness. Being outdoors...
Tags: yoga, wellness, blue, exercise, body, mind, calm, stretch, focus, meditation, zen, natural beauty, clean, air, water, land
durellstudio Painting, Acrylic
Time In Focus
tushort Photography, Black and White