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Submissions (69)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
A tribute to the Broadway Theater This project is a simple yet bold statement for a tribute the Broadway Theater - a giant curtain that spans nearly the entire length of Times Square
Jeffrey Ink, Pen
Canned heat Old shoe, cans and ring pulls.
Vanessasantos Sculpture
Cheaters can never Win Now a days every society is becoming so materialistic and people are using every kind of shortcuts to win but what they forgot is Cheaters can never Win even if they do;they are rotten from inside.
Sundasrana Painting, Oil
Darby's theatre Darby is making a theatre, he says it is going to have a staff room on the side. He thinks it is going to be rainbow coloured when it is finished. He is holding a seed pod that he is going to put on top to make some lights.
cburgess Mixed Media
Direct Heat This artwork is inspired by the heat. It's we, humans who has put ourselves in this position, and it's we who must pull ourselves away from an undesired fate. We need to take action before it's too late.
KaiCruz Computer Graphics
Garrick Theatre Garrick Theatre is based in the city of London, Leicester Square. It was opened in 1889. Loserville play was also shown in this theatre. Rock of Ages is the musical of 2013 playing in this thaetre now! :)
KeysMeadow Photography, Colour
Slob Computer Graphics
Heat sketch of my friend heat
senahussain Computer Graphics
Heat at 6 pm in Tema. 6 pm on the greenwich meridian in africa may be hotter than an american summer. Climate is a determining part of the global phenomenom of life. It determins the color diversity of citizens of the world. Picture of the skies of Tema in Ghana. Look through it, perhaps beyond it and feel the heat.
Tags: environment, nature, sustainability, climate change, Decarbonize, SDG, global warming, climate action, pollution, art
chakablazy Photography, Colour
Heat Movie Poster-Art I was born in 1978, and I believe we are already in a new era of cinema. I am part of the older "New Silent Generation," and we watched movies in the USA like "A Few Good Men" and "Heat." I/we love classics like "Lawrence of Arabia" too. I am a fan of general "pop art" and "pop music" in America. This piece of art represents my...
Abishai100 Mixed Media