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Collections (1)

Thumbnail Title Description
A Gurung mother from the central hills of Nepal The old lady, wearing her ethnic jewellry, is anxiously peering at the valley below longing for the safe arrival of her son, who is a Gurkhas in the British Army.She lives a frugal life, prays to the Himalayan Gods and lives a simple life. Her very existence depends on the money brought by her precious son.

Submissions (24)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
Autumn's Hills. Something about that sky, those clouds, and the texture of the hills.<br /> <br /> An oldy, from a long time ago. But still good.
Predattack 3D Graphics
Beauty of Hills This pic is from Himalayas...the abode to a multitude of flora and fauna.
matrixuni Photography, Colour
California Hills I am surrounded by a beautiful countryside. I did this with soft pastel and then blended the entire image with turpentine.
EugeneMontagna Drawing, Pastel
Chocolate Hills The chocolate hills, is called so because of the brownish color of the hills during dry season, is one of the tourist attractions in Bohol, Philippines. The picture was taken during the rainy season that's why it's green. There are over 200 tiny hills in this area.
sandygaspay Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Glowing Hillside - Kremnica, Slovakia, February 2002
Jarra Photography, Colour
Green are the hills that are far from us
Sterh Photography, Colour
Heavenly Blue The lands of our neighbors.
Tags: country, views, hills
Mezmoreyes Photography, Colour
ramveeturi Photography, Colour
Life in the Hills of St Elizabeth Photographer: Latoya Jackson Artistic effects: Khaiwana Williams This picture symbolizes the love our young people have for each other, as the picture shows a young boy providing shade for a young lady
Tags: love, unity
Khaiwana Photography, Digitally Manipulated
Lisbon hills Old shoes, metal, tape, paper and plastic grass.
Vanessasantos Sculpture