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Submissions (31)

Thumbnail Title Description Artist Medium Rating
We Trash Humanity Self Destructive. Individually and Collectively. There is no recycle of life - this is our 'only' cycle and we are trashing it.
kalkalith Computer Graphics
Humanity It's one thing to acknowledge the less fortunate, and another to do somethng about it. I hope for world peace and light at the end of a tunnel, I hope for wars to end and for the less fortunate in developing countries gain better lives.
Tags: child, boy, sad, art, pencil, help, developing country, raiya jessa, graphite, drawing, person, alone, hands
quest19 Drawing, Pencil
BRIDGE BETWEEN HUMANITY AND SPIRIT Date: 12-06-04 IT IS THE LINK BETWEEN THIS WORLD AND THE SPIRITUAL. It represents Peace and the unity of all beings. This piece is dedicated to my TIG friend, Udara, whose gentle spirit travels from the shores of Sri Lanka over the deep unfathomable waters of the seas blessing every heart it touches with love and kindness. Udara, angel of...
clarita Drawing, Pencil-crayon
Where did the MANGO? The main purpose behind my artwork was to deliver the message of taking control of our lives by the means of bold action. I representated this metaphorically through an arrow (determination) and mangoes (love and new beginnings) Hence at a time like this, where social injustice and diseases are spreading like wildfire, it is a wake up call for...
Tags: mango, arrow, humanity, justice, nature
Eshaan Flash Animation
Humanity has No Borders Liam O'Grady, age 16, Shawn MacMillan, age 16, Julia de Montigny, age 16, Dan-Tam Nguyen, age 17, Philemon Wright High School, Quebec Humanity has No Borders We can lobby for generic drugs to be made more readily available to the places that most need them. Currently, giant pharmaceutical corporations, through patents and other measures,...
Mixed Media
Save animals. Save humanity. To survive today, other animals must endure global warming, pollution and fewer habitats. More tragically, they must endure the silence of human hearts.
Tags: white, animals, sun, water, bear, penguin, ocean, save
hakob_kojoyan Mixed Media
Love is peace Love is Peace
Tags: peace, love, humanity
ismailswati Painting
Humanity3 Humanity 3
samihaw Painting, Acrylic
Aare ...Service To Humanity, Online!
pscornerstone Photography, Colour
Service to humanity Corper in Action.
pscornerstone Photography, Colour